Here I am presenting setup and steps on how Sales tax is calculated for Gift card sales in standard Contoso environment
Below you can find a document attached with screenshots included.
1. Open D365 10.0+ supported version, USRT company.
2. Set up Gift card in Commerce parameters:
Search for Commerce parameters/Tab Posting/section Gift card:
- Gift card product= 9999
- Tax on gift cards= YES
- Gift card company= USRT
- Journal= GenJrn
3. Set up Item sales tax group on Gift card item:
Search for Released products by category/find Gift card item 9999/Edit/Tab Sell/section Taxation:
- Item sales tax group= RP
4. Set up Price include sales tax on a store:
Search for All stores/select HOUSTON/Edit/section Sales tax:
- Prices include sales tax= should be marked to YES
5. Distribute changes to POS:
Search for Distribution schedule/select 9999 All jobs/Run now.
Search for Download sessions/Refresh/Check if the Status is Applied.
6. Issue gift card in POS:
Open POS. Log in.
Current transaction/Enter customer 1001.
Actions/Gift cards/Issue gift card:
- Card number= 998877
- Amount= 500,00
- Subtotal= 500,00
- Tax= 0,00
/Pay Cash.
/Close shift.
7. Run P-job:
Search for Distribution Schedule/select the P-0001 job/Run now/OK.
8. Validate store transactions:
Search for Validate store transactions/select Houston store/OK.
9. Create Retail Statement:
Search for Statements/New/Transaction posting (Trickle-feed feature enabled)/select HOUSTON Store number/OK/Statement calculated:
Transactions included:
/Post statement.
10. Check posted vouchers:
Search for Audit trial/sort by date/3 vouchers are posted:
- Sales invoice voucher:
- Payment posted:
- Sales tax on issued gift card voucher:
Posted two ledger transactions with Sales tax 6,25% as per setup in Gift card item:
- One with Sales tax direction= Use tax Debit
- Other with Sales tax direction= Sales tax payable Credit
11. Sell an item in POS and pay with a Gift card:
Open POS. Log in.
Current transaction/Enter customer 1001.
Enter item 0113.
- Subtotal= 94,11
- Tax= 5,88
- Amount due= 99,99
Pay gift card/Add Gift card number 998877/Tender payment.
/Close Shift.
12. Run P-job:
Search for Distribution Schedule/select the P-0001 job/Run now/OK.
13. Validate store transactions:
Search for Validate store transactions/select Houston store/OK.
14. Create Retail Statement:
Search for Statements/New/Transaction posting (Trickle-feed feature enabled)/select HOUSTON Store number/OK/Statement calculated:
Transactions included:
/Post statement.
15. Check posted vouchers:
Search for Audit trial/sort by date/3 vouchers are posted:
- Sales invoice voucher:
- Payment posted:
- Sales tax posted for payment with Gift card (reducing sales tax from initially posted sales tax for issued gift card):
Posted two ledger transactions with Sales tax 6,25% as per setup in Gift card item:
- One with Sales tax direction= Use tax Credit
- Other with Sales tax direction= Sales tax payable Debit
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