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Issue in Item Measures

Posted on by 24

Hello Team,

Right now i stucked with an issues in unit of measures in Item. On item Card, the Base unit of Measure is in “EA”,99.9 % items are sell like that so the User was created all the items in item master like that only , ie all items has the Base unit of measure is EA

Now, we want to sell only 30 pcs or 30 numbers from this item. How can we do that?

On Item Inventory there is availability is showing as '2' (EA), means but each contains 100 Numbers (Always we sell like that so this type issue never came.)

On tried on Sale unit of Measure by adding numbers , means 1 EA = 100 No's  (Dont know it is correct ) but it is not working. on the sales order page it is not showing in Numbers.

Right now we want to sell in Both cases, either in EA or Numbers/Pcs. How we can do it . Pls help me to Solve the issue


  • Suggested answer
    MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,419 on at
    RE: Issue in Item Measures


    Since you did not receive any PO based on current setup then your QTY for base UOM is not correct yet. As I mentioned before you need one time adjustment in Inventory to correct this. You have two method to fix it but keep in mind these methods may impact cost in unpaid invoices depends on your costing method.

    Method 1:

    1) Remove the 2 EA from inventory through item journal and make sure correct cost is populated.

    2) Then using Item journal add 2 NOS (select UOM as NOS) back to stock. Make sure the cost is matching above cost (like if cost in above line was $50 per item then it should be the same here as well).

    Method 2:

    1) Run "Adjust Cost - Item Entries" for this item.

    2) Use Item Revaluation Journal ( ) and then change the cost of this item to correct one ( let say each NOs cost $150 then for this transaction you have $150/100 = $1.5).

    2) run "Adjust Cost - Item Entries" for this item.

    2) Use Item journal and add  198 items into stock.

  • BCUSER2024 Profile Picture
    BCUSER2024 24 on at
    RE: Issue in Item Measures

    Hello Dear,

    Right now i tried with the setup as you mentioned but still stock is not available message is getting.

    Right now i want to make SO only, No PO order is Required. if i check the inventory it is showing 2 only (Means 2 EA- we changed it 100box=1 EA).

    So in this case, what we can do to use this item ?


  • Suggested answer
    MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,419 on at
    RE: Issue in Item Measures


    All setup looks correct to me. The only suggestion that I have is to use NOS for Sales as well. Looks like you buy NOS and sell NOS (each 100 per box) for this setup you can use same UOM. If NOS is confusing for your customers then you can use 100BOX or BOX of 100 as UOM.

    Make sure to test this setup in Sandbox by creating PO, receiving it, then selling it.

  • BCUSER2024 Profile Picture
    BCUSER2024 24 on at
    RE: Issue in Item Measures

    Thanks for your explanation. i got some idea from your words but am sorry still confusing what is the methods i need to follow to work it out.

    Could you pls help me on this with step by step process pls.



  • Suggested answer
    Dallefeld Profile Picture
    Dallefeld 11,421 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Issue in Item Measures

    You have some issues. Your base unit of measure is NOT your smallest units. Like MahGah stated, base should be the smallest unit of measure. You cannot change this once you have transactions.

    Your Item Unit of Measure setup for your current configuration is wrong. If your Base UoM is EA and you have 100 Nos in an each. Then the Qty Per UoM on Nos should be 0.001. This will remove 1/100 Eaches when you sell 1 Nos. So if you want to sell 30 Nos out of the 2 Eaches that you have in inventory. After posting your inventory will have 1.7 Eaches.

  • Suggested answer
    MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,419 on at
    RE: Issue in Item Measures


    It depends on how you want to keep your parts in your inventory. If you want EA in inventory then yes create PO UOM and SO UOM will help with that. In this case if your PO UOM is NOS and NOS is 100/ea then when you receive PO BC will add 100 ea into inventory (you will see 100 ea available). Then you set the price for Sales UOM and sale it with that price. When you ship BC will remove EA from inventory but based on conversation rate (like 30BOX=30 Ea and if you use 30BOX in SO then BC will remove 30/EA from inventory).

    That being said for costing and your current inventory you need to make some adjustments.

    The other method is to create a new item with all needed UOM, then renumber your current part to something like current-old, then renumber the new part to your current part. You will lose all history here. But you can have needed UOM (like BOX as base UOM).

  • BCUSER2024 Profile Picture
    BCUSER2024 24 on at
    RE: Issue in Item Measures

    Thanks for the detailed Explanation

    i will try this way and let you know, and one more thing i need to add on this

    the screen shot which i shared is, the No's mentioned/shown as 100 is just now we put if for testing Purpose.

    In productions it is only Inventory of 2 Qty Only (Bt Inside EA-we have 100 , that means for 2 Qty = 200)

    This issue never came before, as of know we purchase and sell only in EA (Means not sell in pcs,boxes,no's etc . So the User has also created all of the items also in EA.

    In this case also , it will solve the issue?

  • Suggested answer
    MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,419 on at
    RE: Issue in Item Measures


    Base UOM is the smallest number that you want to keep in inventory. For example, if you buy a case of 100/EA then you sell products such as case of 30, 50, 60 etc then your Base UOM is EA. But if you buy one box and that box contains 50/ea but you always sell the same box then your base of UOM is box.  When you set the part up and had transaction against it you cannot change the base UOM.

    Also, you can have multiple UOM. Like Sales UOM (in item card under Prices & Sales. Purchase UOM (in item card under Replenishment )

    In your case my suggestion is to test this:

    1) Go to Item Card then under Item -> Related -> Unit of measure define below

    (I can see you have NOS) make sure NOS set as 100 EA this is for purchase

    Then define a new measure named 30BOX then set it as 30 EA this is for sales

    For sure you can define 50Box or etc.

    2) In item card under Sales & Prices change UOM to 30Box (or a different one if you need).

    3) In item card under Replenishment change UOM to NOS.

    Now this will happen

    When you create PO then you have NOS as UOM

    When you receive PO then 1 NOS convert to 100 EA

    When you create SO then you have 30NOX as UOM which when you ship it removes 30 EA from inventory.

    Side note: if your inventory is wrong based on Base UOM you need to adjust your inventory but be careful with cost.

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