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Restricting Posting to a specific period to a group of users on the Ledger Calendar not working with workflow

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


I am trying to restrict posting to a specific period to a group of users.  The objective being to allow certain users to post transactions to a prior period to finalise month end while the rest of the users can only post to the current period. 

In testing this I have not been able to achieve the above. 

Below are the steps I followed and the results:-

  1. Initially I tried the Ledger Calendar set-up this way for a the a single entity: Period Status = Open and Module status for all modules =  to a user group called EOM containing 4 users.
  2. I then entered a vendor invoice journal as a user not in the EOM group when I simulate posting I get the desired result an error telling me that only users in group EOM can post to this period. So far so good
  3. But I then attempted to enter a vendor invoice journal for the same period restricted to the EOM group but as a user in the group. This time simulating posting does not give an error so again all good this user should be able to post to  this period.
  4. However the next step is to submit the vendor invoice journal to workflow for approval before it can be posted. The approver in the workflow is also in the EOM group they approve the VIJ and it returns to the user that entered it for posting. 
  5. But on review of the invoice prior to posting I noticed that the document dates have been changed to the 1st day of the current period  the 1st January 2020. I am know stuck as changing the document date back to the correct December date means re-submitting via workflow which changes the dates back to 1st Jan.
  6. I tried repeating the same steps but with the December period on hold with the exact same results.    
  7. I have not tried removing the workflow yet but I suspect this will allow the VIJ to be posted in the Dec period because it seems to be the workflow approval process that changes the dates.

Am  I doing something wrong or is this as I suspect D365 is not working as intended?

Best regards




  • RE: Restricting Posting to a specific period to a group of users on the Ledger Calendar not working with workflow

    hi, I am hoping to get some help

    We have set up the ledger calendar and works when we restrict the module access for all cost controls except Vendor.   The vendor control is set to NONE, yet when creating a vendor invoice journal the

    PO invoice posted to the vendor account even though it was set to “none”.   I have not been able to figure out why this is happening.  

    Hoping to get some help with this



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Restricting Posting to a specific period to a group of users on the Ledger Calendar not working with workflow

    Hi Ludwig

    Sorry I did not fully answer your questions in my last reply.

    Yes you are correct in saying that we are just doing the workflow approval step and it is this process that changes the document dates.  If I take the workflow off the journal name then there is no issue and the users that are allowed to (in the EOM user group) can enter and post to invoice journals to the prior period and those not allowed to (not in the EOM user group can only post to the current period. 

    Best regards 


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Restricting Posting to a specific period to a group of users on the Ledger Calendar not working with workflow

    Hi Ludwig

    Thanks for your reply.  I can confirm that the invoice is just a regular vendor tax invoice not a project invoice. We don't use the project module. 

    Best regards 


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Restricting Posting to a specific period to a group of users on the Ledger Calendar not working with workflow

    Hello Simon,

    In step 4 your are only doing the workflow approval, not the posting. Is that right?

    Is this a project related invoice? I am asking this because in the project module we have a parameter that automatically changes the accounting date to the next open ledger period. Wondering whether this might be the underlying issue.

    Best regards,


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