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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Manufacturing Process Security Setup

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I am looking for more information about Manufacturing Process Security.  I am interested in preventing users from re-valuing standard cost item, which help indicates it is something that can be accomplished by Process Security.  However, I cannot find any detail on how to assign process security to the specific task or window.  There is plenty of information on setting up the security, but I cannot find anything online or in the manuals or help files on what to do after you set up the process security set.

 What am I missing?

Running GP 2013 SP2

Thanks in advance!


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  • Jim Lines Profile Picture
    Jim Lines 2 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Process Security Setup


    Thanks so much!  This is great!  


  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,056 Moderator on at
    RE: Manufacturing Process Security Setup

    Thank you Tim,

    I do now got it.. it's either you restrict access by adding GP users to your "Security Set" for the manafuacturing module, or you chose to use a password to prompt whoever wants to run a defined process covered by one of the security sets.. :-)

    Thanks a lot for all the details.

  • Suggested answer
    Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Process Security Setup


    You are correct about setting up Process Security.  Tools>>Setup>>Manufacturing>>System Preferences>>Process Security

    Give a meaningful name, choose a method, password or user list and save.

    To stop folks from Mass Changing BOMs:

    Tools>>Setup>>Manufacturing>>System Preferences>>Bill of Materials

    At the bottom of the screen, apply your security set on the field "BOM Update Security Set"

    To stop folks from the Revaluation Process:

    Tools>>Setup>>Manufacturing>>System Preferences>>Costing

    At the bottom of the screen, apply your security set on the field "Revaluation Security Set"

    To restrict access to job costing processes:

    Tools>>Setup>>Manufacturing>>System Preferences>>Job Costing

    Middle of the screen, apply your security set on the field "Job Security Set"

    To restrict access to Manufacturing Quantity Overrides:

    Tools>>Setup>>Manufacturing>>System Preferences>>MO Schedule Prefs

    Bottom of the screen, apply your security set on the field "Manufacturing QTY Overides"

    To restrict access to Outsourcing MO/PO Links:

    Tools>>Setup>>Manufacturing>>System Preferences>>Manufacturing Orders

    Middle of the screen, apply your security set on the field "Manage MO/PO Links Process Security"

    To restrict access to Manage Manufacturing Shipping:

    Tools>>Setup>>Manufacturing>>System Preferences>>Manufacturing Orders

    Middle of the screen, apply your security set on the field "Manage Manufacturing Shipping Process Security"

    To restrict access to Net Change from PAB Inquiry:

    Tools>>Setup>>Manufacturing>>System Preferences>>MRP

    Bottom of the screen, apply your security set on the field "Allow Net Change Security Set"


  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,056 Moderator on at
    RE: Manufacturing Process Security Setup

    Hi Jim,

    I don't think that Manufacturing Process Security has anything to do with GP security.. but me too I looked into it and it is confusing, the least to say..

    Currently in our MFG there are 2 security process defined, but I wasn't able to find the location where they were created and how they were created..

    I'm going to dig a little into it when having more time..

  • Jim Lines Profile Picture
    Jim Lines 2 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Process Security Setup

    Hey Beat!

    Thanks for all that info.  It is the same documentation I found.  I'm still confused though.  Is MFG process security integrated with GP security?  I was under the impression that it was not, but then again, I've never used it.  Seems the documentation shows you how to set up process security but not anything else.  I can easily set up a new security set and name it "STDCOST"... but then what?  I can't find anything that tells me whast to do after that.  The standard cost roll is just an example, I would have the same question with any of the others on the bullet points.  Let me know if you can fill in the blanks for me.  Thanks sir!


  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,056 Moderator on at
    RE: Manufacturing Process Security Setup


    This is taken from the GP MFG user guide  (help file) :

    Creating and modifying process security sets

    You can create an unlimited number of security sets. You can use the same security set for all tasks that are protected by process security, or you can create a separate security set for each task.

    Once you’ve created a process security set, you can modify it at anytime. For example, you might change the password or add or remove user IDs.

    To create or modify process security sets:

    1. Open the Process Security Setup window.
      (Manufacturing >> Setup >> System Defaults >> Process Security)
    2. Enter or select a name for the security set.
    3. If you’re creating a new security set, mark Password or User ID to determine the kind of security set you’re creating. If you’re modifying an existing security set, skip to step 4.
    • If you marked Password, enter the password.
    • If you marked User ID, use the lookup button on the User IDs field to choose the users to include in the security set.

    4. Make changes, as needed.

    • To change a password, select the text in the Password field and enter the new password.
    • To add a user, choose a user in the User IDs field.
    • To remove a user, mark the user ID in the scrolling window and then choose Remove.

    5. Choose Save.

  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,056 Moderator on at
    RE: Manufacturing Process Security Setup

    Hi Jim,

    The "Roll Up & Revalue" process for inventory in Manufacturing is managed thru the Security Task ADMIN_MFG_ROUTINES*.. if you scroll down in the taks resources, the check box 'Roll Up and Revalue Inventory' would have to be unchecked..

    Create a copy of the tasks prior of modifying it, and assign the modified task to your users..

    By default, that task is assigned to the security roles MFG_ADMIN and PA_MANAGER.

    Hope this helps.

    PS: I'm not sure you can selectively filter out how the process applies to the Inventory.. Maybe you can try through Material Classes ?

    PPS: found this reference in the user guide of MFG :

    Process security

    Process security is useful for safeguarding certain manufacturing processes, such as revaluing standard cost items or overriding purchase order quantities. With process security in place, you can limit who in your company has authorization to complete certain critical processes.

    Manufacturing process security system uses security sets—passwords or groups of user IDs—to limit who can complete certain tasks. When a security set for a task is based on a group of users, only users in that group can perform the task. When a security set for a task is based on a password, any user who attempts to complete the task will be required to enter the appropriate password before proceeding.

    You can use process security for completing the following tasks.

    • Revaluing inventory
    • Linking job elements to jobs
    • Changing a sales order line item quantity when a manufacturing order is linked to it
    • Changing job links
    • Changing the status of a job
    • Overriding manufacturing order quantities
    • Changing order fulfillment history
    • Auto-generating manufacturing orders
    • Managing links between manufacturing orders and purchase orders for outsourcing
    • Managing shipments to outsourcing vendors
    • Updating groups of bills of materials

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