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Problem with updating table field by selecting a value from a dialog form.

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Posted on by 737


There is a requirement that specifies that when the user changes a value in the X fields, he should specify the reason for the change.
The X field is a standard field in SalesTable. I wrote the following code that, after changing the value of the field, displays a dialog form for the user to select the reason for changing the X field. The selected reason is saved in an additional field in the table.

1 I extended the update() method in SalesTable

public void update()
        SalesTable salesTable_orig = this.orig();

        next update();
        if(this.Field_X != SalesTable_orig.Field_X)

2. The runDialogToChangeReason method, with _salesId as an argument

 public void runDialogToChangeReason(SalesId _salesId)
        Dialog dlg;
        DialogField dfg;

        dlg = new Dialog();
        dfg = dlg.addField(EnumStr(ChangeReason), "Reason");

            salesTable::setChangeReason(_salesid, dfg.value());

3. The setChangeReason method, with _salesId and _reason as an arguments

public static void setChangeReason(SalesId _salesId, ChangeReason _reason)
        SalesTable salesTable = SalesTable::find(_salesId);
        salesTable.ReasonField = _reason;

When selecting a value in the dialog and attempting to save, I always get the error "An unbalanced x TTSBEGIN/TTSCOMMIT pair..."

I tried debugging, but when starting the dialog, I immediately get the aforementioned error....

I also tried to insert ttsabort but also without success....

if (appl.ttsLevel() != 0)

Could I have your help please?

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,962 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Problem with updating table field by selecting a value from a dialog form.

    Both of your suggestions still mean calling your code from update() and therefore you'd still have the identical problem.

    Are you sure you need a dialog at all? Can't users simply set the value of ReasonField? Then you'll just validate (in validateWrite()) that it has a value.

  • Shooowtek Profile Picture
    Shooowtek 737 on at
    RE: Problem with updating table field by selecting a value from a dialog form.

    Of course I meant DataEventType::Updating. Sorry about that.

  • Shooowtek Profile Picture
    Shooowtek 737 on at
    RE: Problem with updating table field by selecting a value from a dialog form.

    Thank you Martin for your reply. It explains a lot.

    So in my case, where is the best place to do it? Is it before calling next metod or using DataEventType::Inserting?

    I need to display a dialog after the user changes the value in the X field.

    Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,962 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Problem with updating table field by selecting a value from a dialog form.

    There is a design flaw in your solution.

    update() will be called in a transaction and if you opened a dialog there, the transaction could stay open for a long time or even forever, and all locks obtained in the transaction could be blocking the system for a long time (or forever). As a last resort to prevent this potentially catastrophic situation, the transaction is aborted when the dialog is opening.

    You need to this work before starting the transaction.

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