Hi there!
My Dynamics NAV has 2 companies, Company A and Company B. Company A deals with purchases for their Items/FGs (Purchase Order), while Company B manufactures those Items (Production Order). Company A stores the inventory (Items) at multiple locations (more than two). The Manufacturing Setup Component at Location allows me to select only one Location to perform the MPS on the Planning Worksheet. The MPS for Company A is exported and fed as Production Forecast for Company B.
If MPS for Company A does not consider the inventory at multiple locations (only considers for one location), the MPS would have purchase orders sooner than anticipated, triggering Company B to plan producing the SKUs sooner than planned. What could be the solution here? Someone mentioned about Stock Keeping Units, where Transfers between Inventory would take place. Could anyone elaborate how that functions? Is there any other way method to look into as well?
P.S no Stock Keeping Unit has been set up for Company A, just Item Cards without Stock Keeping Units.