Re: Vendor EFT Date Pre-note sent field
H Debi,
You should be able to re-transmit previously sent Prenotes. In the Prenote generation window there is a field called: 'Recreate Prenote for any record dated on or before'. Entering a value in this date field lets you select previously sent prenotes. You shouldn't have to amend the Prenote sent field in a table.
Of course, setting this value will include all records that were sent on or before this date, not just the one record you want. However re-sending previously correct data will not be an issue. One way around this would be to duplicate your EFT format file and save it as a different name. Assign this EFT format ID to the creditor you want to resend prenote data for, then run the Prenote this new format, and enter an 'on or before' date. Just this creditors data should then be included.
You will want to know the date that your data was sent on however so that you can judge what date to enter. This data is stored on the Address EFT Master (SY06000) and the field is called: EFTPrenoteDate - and can be searched using the Customer/Vendor ID field on the same table.
Hope this helps.