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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Aging on Customer Statements

Posted on by 1,270


Due to a business process we need to send customer statements based upon a billing date and not the document date.

A screen customization was done to create a field for the billing date and to have the discount and due date calculated based upon that date; taking into consideration the terms.

However, the challenge that I am having is to have the customer statement age the outstanding documents based upon the billing date and not the document date.  I have created aging formulae to look at the billing date but it seems to still age based on the document date.

Do you think is the pre-process or post-process is the problem?  If so, any suggestion on how I could by pass the pre-process and have the report aged based upon another date?

Any assistance or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Cynthia Audain Profile Picture
    Cynthia Audain 1,270 on at
    RE: Aging on Customer Statements

    Hi Hector, I was able to resolve the issue.  Thanks for your input.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Aging on Customer Statements


    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[ar08600_pre]    Script Date: 2/7/2017 1:22:18 PM ******/





    /****** Object:  Stored Procedure dbo.ar08600_pre    Script Date: 4/7/98 12:54:32 PM ******/

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[ar08600_pre] @RI_ID smallint


           DECLARE @CountryC_descr varchar(30),

    @LineCnt int

    Select @LineCnt = 0

           DELETE FROM ar08600_wrk

           WHERE  RI_ID not in

    (select ri_id from rptruntime (nolock) where reportnbr = "08600") and asid = 0 and wsid = 0

    Delete from ar08600_wrk where ri_id = @ri_id and asid = 0 and wsid = 0

           SELECT  @CountryC_descr = descr

           FROM    Country, GLSetup

           WHERE   Country.CountryId = GLSetup.Country

           INSERT  ar08600_wrk( RI_ID,CpnyID,CuryDocBal,CuryID,CuryOrigDocAmt,CuryStmtBal,CustID,DocBal,DocClass,DocDate,

                   DocDesc,DocType,OrigDocAmt,RefNbr,Rlsed,StmtBal,StmtDate,ASID, Customer_AgeBal01,Customer_AgeBal02,














    SELECT  @RI_ID, d.CpnyID, d.CuryDocBal, d.CuryID, d.CuryOrigDocAmt, d.CuryStmtBal, c.CustID, d.DocBal,

    d.DocClass, d.DocDate, d.DocDesc, d.DocType, d.OrigDocAmt, d.RefNbr, d.Rlsed,

    d.StmtBal, d.StmtDate, 0,

    y.AgeBal01, y.AgeBal02, y.AgeBal03, y.AgeBal04,

    c.BillAddr1, c.BillAddr2, c.BillAttn,

    c.BillCity, c.BillCountry, c.BillName,

    c.BillState, c.BillZip, c.DunMsg,


    y.LastStmtBal00, y.LastStmtBal01, y.LastStmtBal02,

    y.LastStmtBal03, y.LastStmtBal04, y.LastStmtBegBal,

    y.LastStmtDate, c.PrtStmt, c.StmtCycleID,


    ISNULL(j.AdjGDocType,' '),

    ISNULL(j.AdjGRefNbr, ' '),





    ISNULL(j.CustID,' '),


    ISNULL( p.StmtDate,  d.StmtDate),

    ISNULL(j.AdjGDocDate,' '),

    ISNULL(j.AdjGDocType,' '),

    ISNULL(j.AdjGRefNbr, ' '),

    s.AgeDays00, s.AgeDays01, s.AgeDays02, s.AgeMsg00,

    s.AgeMsg01, s.AgeMsg02, s.AgeMsg03, s.LastStmtDate,

    COALESCE(Country.Descr, '')

    FROM    Customer c INNER JOIN ARStmt s

                              ON s.StmtCycleID=c.StmtCycleID

                      INNER JOIN RptCompany m

                              ON m.RI_ID=@RI_ID

                      INNER JOIN  (SELECT CustID, AgeBal01=SUM(AgeBal01), AgeBal02=SUM(AgeBal02),

                                          AgeBal03=SUM(AgeBal03), AgeBal04=SUM(AgeBal04),

                          LastStmtBal00=SUM(LastStmtBal00), LastStmtBal01=SUM(LastStmtBal01),

                                          LastStmtBal02=SUM(LastStmtBal02), LastStmtBal03=SUM(LastStmtBal03),

                                          LastStmtBal04=SUM(LastStmtBal04), LastStmtBegBal=SUM(LastStmtBegBal),

                                          LastStmtDate=MAX(LastStmtDate), CurrBal=SUM(CurrBal)

                             FROM AR_Balances b INNER JOIN RptCompany m

                                                           ON m.CpnyID=b.CpnyID

                                    WHERE RI_ID=@RI_ID AND LastStmtDate<>''

                                    GROUP BY CustID) y

                              ON y.CustID=c.CustID

               LEFT LOOP JOIN ARDoc d

                              ON  d.CpnyID=m.CpnyID AND d.CustID=c.CustID AND d.Rlsed=1 AND

    d.DocType<>'AD' AND --exclude Accrued Revenue docs

                          d.DocType<>'RP' AND d.S4Future12<>'RP' AND d.StmtDate<>'' AND

                          ((d.StmtBal>0 OR d.DocBal>0) AND c.StmtType = 'O'

                                           OR c.StmtType = 'B' AND d.StmtDate = s.LastStmtDate)

               LEFT LOOP JOIN ARAdjust j

                              ON j.AdjdDocType=d.DocType AND j.AdjdRefNbr=d.RefNbr AND

                                 j.CustID=d.CustID AND j.S4Future12 NOT IN ('RA','RP')

                       LEFT LOOP JOIN ARDoc p

                              ON p.CustID=j.CustID AND p.DocType=j.AdjgDocType AND


                       LEFT JOIN Country

                              ON Country.CountryId = c.BillCountry

    WHERE c.PrtStmt=1 AND

          (d.CustID IS NOT NULL OR y.LastStmtBegBal<>0 OR y.LastStmtBal00<>0 OR

                 y.LastStmtBal01<>0 OR y.LastStmtBal02<>0 OR y.LastStmtBal03<>0 OR

                 y.LastStmtBal04<>0 OR y.CurrBal<>0)

    -- Now Add discounts

    INSERT  ar08600_wrk( RI_ID,CpnyID,CuryDocBal,CuryID,CuryOrigDocAmt,CuryStmtBal,CustID,DocBal,DocClass,DocDate,

    DocDesc,DocType,OrigDocAmt,RefNbr,Rlsed,StmtBal,StmtDate,ASID, Customer_AgeBal01,Customer_AgeBal02,





                   Customer_StmtCycleID,Customer_StmtType, arAdjust_AdjGDocType,arAdjust_AdjGRefNbr,arAdjust_AdjAmt,

    arAdjust_AdjDiscAmt,arAdjust_CuryAdjDAmt, arAdj_CuryAdjDiscAmt,arAdjust_CustID, CountryC_Descr,

    ARDoc1_StmtDate, arDoc1_DocDate,arDoc1_DocType,arDoc1_RefNbr, arStmt_AgeDays00,arStmt_AgeDays01,

    arStmt_AgeDays02,arStmt_AgeMsg00,arStmt_AgeMsg01,arStmt_AgeMsg02, arStmt_AgeMsg03,arStmt_LastStmtDate,


    SELECT  @RI_ID, min(d.CpnyID), 0, min(d.CuryID), sum(j.CuryadjgDiscAmt), 0, j.CustID, 0, min(d.DocClass),

    d.DocDate, '', 'DA', sum(j.AdjDiscAmt), d.RefNbr, 1, 0, min(y.LastStmtDate), 0, min(y.AgeBal01),

    min(y.AgeBal02), Min(y.AgeBal03), min(y.AgeBal04), min(c.BillAddr1), min(c.BillAddr2),

    min(c.BillAttn), min(c.BillCity), min(c.BillCountry), min(c.BillName), min(c.BillState),

    min(c.BillZip), min(c.DunMsg),

    min(y.LastStmtBal00 + y.LastStmtBal01 + y.LastStmtBal02 + y.LastStmtBal03 + y.LastStmtBal04),

                   min(y.LastStmtBal00), min(y.LastStmtBal01), min(y.LastStmtBal02), min(y.LastStmtBal03), min(y.LastStmtBal04),

    min(y.LastStmtBegBal), min(y.LastStmtDate), 1, min(c.StmtCycleID), 'B', min(j.AdjGDocType), d.RefNbr,

                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @CountryC_descr, min(y.LastStmtDate), ' ', ' ',  ' ', min(s.AgeDays00), Min(s.AgeDays01),

    min(s.AgeDays02), min(s.AgeMsg00), min(s.AgeMsg01), min(s.AgeMsg02), min(s.AgeMsg03),

    min(s.LastStmtDate), ''

    FROM ARAdjust j JOIN ARDOC d

    ON j.custid = d.custid

            and j.adjddoctype = d.doctype

            and j.adjdrefnbr = d.refnbr

    and j.adjDiscAmt > 0

           JOIN Customer c

            ON d.CustId = c.CustId

           INNER JOIN RptCompany m

    ON m.RI_ID=@RI_ID

           INNER JOIN  (SELECT CustID, AgeBal01=SUM(AgeBal01), AgeBal02=SUM(AgeBal02),  AgeBal03=SUM(AgeBal03),

    AgeBal04=SUM(AgeBal04), LastStmtBal00=SUM(LastStmtBal00), LastStmtBal01=SUM(LastStmtBal01),

    LastStmtBal02=SUM(LastStmtBal02), LastStmtBal03=SUM(LastStmtBal03),

    LastStmtBal04=SUM(LastStmtBal04), LastStmtBegBal=SUM(LastStmtBegBal),

                           LastStmtDate=MAX(LastStmtDate), CurrBal=SUM(CurrBal)

                  FROM AR_Balances b INNER JOIN RptCompany m

            ON m.CpnyID=b.CpnyID

         WHERE RI_ID=@RI_ID AND LastStmtDate<>''

         GROUP BY CustID) y

                   ON y.CustID=c.CustID

                INNER JOIN ARStmt s

                    ON s.StmtCycleID=c.StmtCycleID

    WHERE c.PrtStmt=1 and j.crtd_datetime between s.CloseDateTime_Prev and s.CloseDateTime and c.stmttype = 'B'

    Group By j.CustID, d.DocDate, d.DocType, d.RefNbr

    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[ar08600_pre1]    Script Date: 2/7/2017 1:23:17 PM ******/





    /****** Object:  Stored Procedure dbo.ar08600_pre1    Script Date: 4/7/98 12:54:32 PM ******/

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[ar08600_pre1]


           UPDATE  ar08600_wrk

           SET     arDoc1_DocDate = ARDoc1.DocDate,

    /???? Check this  

               arDoc1_DocType = ARDoc1.DocType,

                   arDoc1_RefNbr = ARDoc1.RefNbr,

                   ardoc1_StmtDate = ARDoc1.StmtDate

           FROM    ar08600_wrk, ardoc ARDoc1

           WHERE ARAdjust_CustId = ARDoc1.CustId

           AND     ARAdjust_AdjGDocType = ARDoc1.DocType

           AND     ARADjust_AdjGRefNbr = ARDoc1.RefNbr

           UPDATE  ar08600_wrk

           SET     arStmt_AgeDays00 = arStmt.AgeDays00,

                   arStmt_AgeDays01 = arStmt.AgeDays01,

                   arStmt_AgeDays02 = arStmt.AgeDays02,

                   arStmt_AgeMsg00 = arStmt.AgeMsg00,

                   arStmt_AgeMsg01 = arStmt.AgeMsg01,

                   arStmt_AgeMsg02 = arStmt.AgeMsg02,

                   arStmt_AgeMsg03 = arStmt.AgeMsg03,

                   arStmt_LastStmtDate  = arStmt.LastStmtDate

           FROM    ar08600_wrk, ARStmt

           WHERE Customer_StmtCycleId = ARStmt.StmtCycleId

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Aging on Customer Statements

    Lisa, you copy the SP or View modify those as well copy the report, modify it with the changes and add the report in the report management and use it in the future. You keep the original report and the components and work in the copies until you have the require result. Thanks

  • Cynthia Audain Profile Picture
    Cynthia Audain 1,270 on at
    RE: Aging on Customer Statements

    Hi Hector

    Thanks for the response.

    However, I am not sure what you are suggesting.  Are you suggesting that I change the store procedure or view?  

    Could you elaborate?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Aging on Customer Statements

    Lisa, if you have a preprocess check the store procedure, if not the report or view use in the report vr_086 select documents

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