Hi all,
We are trying to move over to the Dynamics 365 app for outlook but hitting an issue with our user mailboxes not being enabled. Our users are currently using the now "no longer supported Dynamics Outlook Add on to record emails to the system. We have followed the instructions but we get an error and when looking at that active mailboxes under Settings > email configuration > mailboxes in the Incoming Email / Outgoing Email / Appointment Tasks columns it says either "not run" or "Failure"
We have one user that it says "Success" but they have had this for some time. This user is on the Enterprise licence whereas all other users are on Team Member licences, does this have an impact?
If we can't get the mailboxes working, does this mean that they will not be able to use the new Dynamics 365 App for outlook.
Our IT company are currently migrating all of our Microsoft systems over to 365 as our Outlook emails are still on Exchange 2010 and they believe that this does not support the new app, does anyone know if this is correct?
Any assistance would be appreciated.