Hi Mahmoud,
Here is the code:
Macro 1 Fullfill order
# DEXVERSION=11.00.0221.000 2 2
CheckActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment' window 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment'
MoveTo field '(L) Sites' item 0 # 'All'
ClickCancel field '(L) Sites' item 0 # 'All'
MoveTo field '(L) Fulfill All PB'
ClickHit field '(L) Fulfill All PB'
Macro 2 Print packing slip
# DEXVERSION=11.00.0221.000 2 2
CheckActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment' window 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment'
MoveTo field '(L) Fulfill All PB'
ClickHit field '(L) Fulfill All PB'
MoveTo field 'Holds Button'
ClickHit field 'Holds Button'
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Process_Holds_Entry' window 'SOP_Process_Holds_Entry'
# Key 1:
MoveTo line 2 browsewin 'Assigned_Scroll'
MoveTo field 'Remove Button'
ClickHit field 'Remove Button'
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form DiaLog window DiaLog
TypeTo field ANSWER , 'invoice'
MoveTo field OK
ClickHit field OK
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Process_Holds_Entry' window 'SOP_Process_Holds_Entry'
MoveTo field 'OK Button'
ClickHit field 'OK Button'
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment' window 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment'
ActivateWindow dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment' window 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment'
MoveTo field WindowPrint
ClickHit field WindowPrint
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Print_Options' window 'SOP_Print_Options'
MoveTo field '(L) Print Packing Slip CB' # 'FALSE'
ClickHit field '(L) Print Packing Slip CB' # 'TRUE'
MoveTo field 'Print Button NONE'
ClickHit field 'Print Button NONE'
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'Report_Destination' window 'Report_Destination'
MoveTo field 'OK Button'
ClickHit field 'OK Button'
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Print_Options' window 'SOP_Print_Options'
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment' window 'SOP_Order_Fulfillment'
PrintDialog copies 1 hori_adj 0 vert_adj 0
# Print To Printer: 'SOP Blank Packing Slip Form'