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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

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Just started using Dynamics GP and we are playing around with BOM entry and MO processes. Most of the units that we build are custom made and though we have most of the Item nos defined in GP, we have quite a lot of Non-Inventory items which are added as the project progresses. Out MOs are built completely from Phantom BOMs so adding a NI item through "Add Component" in MO Pick List is not the best idea as it will throw the part right at the bottom of the Pick list or the Phantom BOMs. At the MO Pick List level there is no way I could add a new Inventory or Non-Inventory component and provide a custom "Position No." (Correct me if I am wrong). 

I would like to know if there is way we can add NI Items at the BOM entry level and keep updating the MO with an "Open" Status?



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  • RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    Thanks Babu for the detailed instructions.

  • RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    [quote user="Tim Foster"]

    What I am suggesting is that if these "Non-Inventory" Items are services (polishing, grinding, irradiation, coatings, certification etc.) or labor elements (fabrication, assembly, inspection, etc.) you could follow Babu's suggestion of Outsourcing (if these services are performed by an outside party) or my suggestion of adding Routing steps, respectively.  Harry's suggestion is valid as well.

    I have re-read this post several times now and it would appear that these "Non-Inventory" items are physical items (i.e. you can pick them up and touch them) that are similar to the "Inventory" components.  My new questions are, "Is the GP Manufacturing module the correct module to account for this transaction given the customized nature of what you are building and the necessity of "non-inventory" items?  Would Project Accounting be better?"


    [/quote]Tim, You are right the non-inventory items are bought as physical items which we choose not to buy as inventory item as they are just one off purchases. They are handled the same way as an Inventory Item in the shop. I am not sure what Project Accounting can offer but I guess we are stuck with manufacturing module.


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    Hi Sanket,

    Please find below the steps of set up work center.  If you select help-about this window on GP will show all details of selected window.  The following is from work center ID.

    Entering a work center record

    Before you can assign machines or employees to a work center, you must use the Work Center Setup window to create a basic definition for a work center.

    Work center information is important because it represents your company’s capacity for work. That information will play a bigger role later on when you want to compare available work capacity with the work you have scheduled in Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP). Besides assigning employees and machines to work centers, you also can specify the efficiency—the statistical measure of the employee’s performance compared to routing sequence times—of employees and machines.

    The Display Date field in the Work Center Setup window is important because it determines when the work center definition you’re creating will be effective. Some companies want the work center records to reflect every change to the work center definition; for instance, if an employee is on vacation or if a machine is offline for repairs. Other companies don’t want that level of detail. Refer to Timing for work center changes for more information.

    A work center is a specialized site. Before you begin this procedure, you must use the Site Maintenance window to set up the site that will be a work center. Refer to Inventory Control documentation for more information.

    If you like, you can associate the work center with a department. For more information about setting up departments, refer to your Payroll documentation.

    To enter a work center record:

    Open the Work Center Setup window.

    (Manufacturing >> Cards >> Work Centers >> Setup)

    Enter a work center ID. The identifier for the work center must match the identifier for the associated site.

    If you enter a work center ID and there is no corresponding site ID, a message appears and you’ll have the option to create the site ID.

    Enter a brief description of the work center. Often, the work center description is a word or phrase that describes the work that will be completed in that work center. The description field is required.

    If the work center tasks are completed by an outside supplier, this is an outsourced work center. Complete this procedure and then refer to Defining or modifying an outsourced work center.

    To associate a work center with a department, enter or select a department name.

    Enter the start time, hours per shift and number of shifts. The hours per shift multiplied by the number of shifts can’t be greater than 24.

    If you’re using Capacity Requirements Planning, (CRP), be sure the hours per shift you enter is the number of actual working hours per shift. For example, if employees have two 15-minute breaks in an eight-hour shift, the working hours per shift is 7.5 hours.

    Enter the date this work center definition should become effective in the Display Date field. Refer to Timing for work center changes for more information.

    Choose Save and close the window.

    To go to Routing window please follow the below.

    Manufacturing >> Cards >> Routings >> Routing Entry

  • Suggested answer
    Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    What I am suggesting is that if these "Non-Inventory" Items are services (polishing, grinding, irradiation, coatings, certification etc.) or labor elements (fabrication, assembly, inspection, etc.) you could follow Babu's suggestion of Outsourcing (if these services are performed by an outside party) or my suggestion of adding Routing steps, respectively.  Harry's suggestion is valid as well.

    I have re-read this post several times now and it would appear that these "Non-Inventory" items are physical items (i.e. you can pick them up and touch them) that are similar to the "Inventory" components.  My new questions are, "Is the GP Manufacturing module the correct module to account for this transaction given the customized nature of what you are building and the necessity of "non-inventory" items?  Would Project Accounting be better?"


  • RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    [quote user="Tim Foster"]

    Would you be able to provide an example of what you describe as a "Non-Inventory" item?

    If these items are labor or machine related, shouldn't you be using the Routing to capture these costs?




    For each project we have 20-30% of Non-Inventory items which are bought specifically for that project only. They are not used anywhere else and hence we don't create inventory item. These are mainly one off purchases logically the cost should directly go to the project-GL.  This could be called Machine related but I am not sure how the routing will work. Can you explain in detail what are you suggesting?


  • RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    [quote user="Babu Baskaran"]

    Hi Sanket,

    I think outsourcing purchase on MO will suite your requirement.  You need to add sequence on routing for the outsource work and generate PO from MO window.  Once you receive the outsource PO the cost associated with it will be shown on outsource bucket.

    Please click here to see the post from the community about outsourcing.



    We are trying to establish a process work flow in terms of handling Misc items because in any project we will have approx 20-30% non-inventory items which are extremely project specific and have to be linked with MO and GL defined for that project. I am not aware of routing sequence for Outsourcing. Right now we are using only one Routing defined for our location and everything is issued from there. However I tried to create one as a power user and GP asked me to create a Workcenter ID as outsourced but I am not sure how GL MO will be linked with this work center. Can you please explain in detail how exactly the process will work?

    Sorry if this is too vague but this I am learning as I explore!!

  • Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    Would you be able to provide an example of what you describe as a "Non-Inventory" item?

    If these items are labor or machine related, shouldn't you be using the Routing to capture these costs?


  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    Sanket - has a small custom that allows for Non-Inventory Items to be added to Routings, so they can be issued to the correct work center, and not added to the bottom of your Pick List.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Non-Inventory Items in BOM Entry

    Hi Sanket,

    I think outsourcing purchase on MO will suite your requirement.  You need to add sequence on routing for the outsource work and generate PO from MO window.  Once you receive the outsource PO the cost associated with it will be shown on outsource bucket.

    Please click here to see the post from the community about outsourcing.

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