I posted yesterday about the API documentation, trying to find more info. As I feared, the info available is very limited.
After searching and experimenting untill it worked, I managed to get the token authentication working and I am able to call /companies and see the companies.
However, anything else i try to call, like companies(ID)/customers gives a permisison error.
The api app has super permisison, so... Something is missing. The problem, like always with business central, is that I am supposed to guess what is wrong.
As I allready mentioned, the user has super permission. I rechecked in the permission tab, everything is set to true.
"error": {
"code": "Internal_ServerError",
"message": "You do not have the following permissions on Page APIV2 - Customers: Execute.\r\n\r\nTo view details about your permissions, see the Effective Permissions page. To report a problem, refer to the following server session ID: '4841'. CorrelationId: _ID_."
Reporting the problem to microsoft will take a day before I get a an answer, and I will probably meet another issue after that.
Is there really no way to get better/more information on how to use the api? The amount of frustration generated by using business central is astonishing :D THe info is usually incomplete or outdated when you try to start working on more complicated aspects besides the easy "create a new page" stuff.
Are there other resources besides this board and the official incomplete documentation?