Runaway 301 Worksheet
301 Style worksheet processed successfully to price Green Tag Items. Prior to worksheet end date RMS Server experienced shut down due to building power loss. Server came back online when power was restored. Able to login and reconnect all locations except Store X. Processed and approved new 301 Style Worksheet, procss successfully completed at all locations except Store X. Store X will connect to local Store X HQ database but returned "database not found" when attempted to connect to RMS database. Restarted Store X firewall was able to connect to RMS HQ, able to sync, upload new Yellow Tag pricing worksheet. At register Store X still running Green Tag pricing, will not run Yellow Tag pricing. Action(s) taken with no resolution:
-Restarted RMS server
-Restarted Store X Register 1/database
-Restarted Store X firewall
-Cancelled and re-issued all style 301 worksheets to Store X
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