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Problem with Two Mailboxes in D365 with the same Exchange Email Address

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi All,

Hopefully this is the right forum, apologies if it's not.

We have two D365 mailboxes that, somehow have been setup with the same Exchange email and User. When we try to sent out from Dynamicswith this mailbox we see a "Pending Send" status. Teh mailbox in Exchange in the Cloud is functioning properly.

Clearly Dynamics doesn't like two mailboxes to one exchange account.

We are seeing errors that say "Exchange email address in Portal Admin is currently in use for mailbox Portal Admin. Change email address in Portal Admin or the email address in the mailbox Portal Admin as only one mailbox can be configured for each email address." where Portal Admin is the D365 mailboxes and the Exchange User.

I have tried to delete both mailboxes in CRM (at different times). It says it's doing the delete, but never does. It doesn't throw an error.

One Dynamics mailbox was created by "System" and the other by, a Click Dimensions. They are both probably associated with/ related to another identity which is why they can't be deleted.

Does anyone know a resolution for our problem.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Problem with Two Mailboxes in D365 with the same Exchange Email Address

    Thanks for responding.

    Yes, I agree that there needs to be a unique Exchange address for each D365 mailbox.

    Our issues with the D365 mailboxes are that they can't be edited, nor deleted.

    I opened a ticket with MS and the engineer who did the remote session couldn't explain any aspect our situation. They are still looking at the issue.

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Problem with Two Mailboxes in D365 with the same Exchange Email Address

    Hi John,

    Always use the unique Email address for each exchange mailbox. It's not supported to use same email address for multiple mailboxes.
    Change or remove the email address from one of the mailbox records so that the email address only exists in one mailbox record .
    So your understanding was correct and its not supported to use the same email address for multiple mailboxes .

    If you cannot delete the mailboxes and there is no detailed log or error message, it is recommended to raise a support ticket to MS for further help.

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