Dear Experts, I have got assigned a task to make an API's that will send the Items with the picture field, Also I am taking the attached pictures and make them as a catalog for the item in a custom table
table 50023 /XEE Item Picture Values/
Caption = 'Item Picture Values';
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
field(1; /Entry No./; Integer)
Caption = 'Entry No.';
DataClassification = CustomerContent;
field(2; Description; Text[100])
Caption = 'Description';
DataClassification = CustomerContent;
field(3; /No./; Code[20])
Caption = 'No.';
NotBlank = true;
field(4; /Document Reference ID/; Blob)
Caption = 'Document Reference ID';
field(50001; Base64; Text[2048])
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
key(PK; /Entry No./)
Clustered = true;
trigger OnInsert()
myInt: Integer;
I am doing it this way because powerautomate(using Get an image, file or document (V3)) cant detect the Media it cant detect the BLOB
So is there a way to convert from Media to Blob? or is there a way to send the Media as base64(when sending Media, Dataverse receive it as GUID)