RE: Prevent record from opening in parent record
In Dynamics CRM records will open with in same window but you can you arrow icon at top right after opening the record to open this in new window.
On way to achieve this is right click on record and click on open in new tab
You can do it by default using JavaScript
please look into this code. You can open any record into new windows.
function openEntityRecord(enityLogicalName, guid, baseUrl) {
var randomnumber = 100000000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 900000000);
if (!endsWith(baseUrl, '/'))
baseUrl += "/";
var url = baseUrl + "main.aspx?etn=" + enityLogicalName + "&extraqs=&histKey=" + randomnumber + "&id={" + guid + "}&newWindow=true&pagetype=entityrecord";, "", "status=0,resizable=1,width=1000px,height=800px");
Also look below link if above not work...