【env:】 crm 2016
【what i want to do:】
1.there are three plugins ,[Plugin A] is register at Opportunity pre-operation,[Plugin B],[Plugin C] is register at Opportunity post-operation.
2.opportunity close as won/lost . opportunity update event start.
3.[plugin A] Check the actualclosedate in inputparameter,if the check result is true then set opportunity.flag = "1".
4.[plugin B] if opportunity.flag =="1" then do sth
5.[plugin C] if opportunity.flag !="1" then do sth
【question is:】 actualclosedate is null in inputparameter.
i had try to move [Plugin A] into post-operation and use postimg to get actualclosedate,i can get actualclosedate but there is another issue. when i save opportunity
//m_orgContext.ClearChanges(); //m_orgContext.Attach(m_enOp); //m_orgContext.UpdateObject(m_enOp); //m_orgContext.SaveChanges(); //m_orgContext.Detach(m_enOp);
it got bussiness process error."you cannot update "Est.Close Date in Half Year(hidden in form)",since it is changed up automatically.
Here is my plugin code in post-operation, i just want to update updateflg or createflg , why est.Close Date in Half Year field has been update......T T
using System; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client; using Binding; namespace Opportunity_Post_PluginA_Plugin { public class Opportunity_Post_PluginA_Plugin : IPlugin { #region Class Data Member private IPluginExecutionContext m_context; private IOrganizationServiceFactory m_factory; private ITracingService m_tracingService; private IOrganizationService m_service; private OrganizationServiceContext m_orgContext; private Opportunity m_enOp; private Opportunity m_enUpdatedOP; #endregion /// <summary> /// void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceProvider">IServiceProvider serviceProvider</param> public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { try { // Opportunity enOP = new Opportunity(); //init if (!IsInitSuccess(serviceProvider)) { return; } if (CheckExist()) { if (m_enUpdatedOP.new_UpdateFlg == "1") { m_enUpdatedOP.new_UpdateFlg = "0"; } else { m_enUpdatedOP.new_UpdateFlg = "1"; } } else { if (m_enUpdatedOP.new_opFlg == "1") { if (m_enUpdatedOP.new_createflg == "1") { m_enUpdatedOP.new_createflg = "0"; } else { m_enUpdatedOP.new_createflg = "1"; } } } // i just want to update new_createflg and new_UpdateFlg , but exist plugin post Can't update XXXX field . what should i do? //save changes m_orgContext.ClearChanges(); m_orgContext.Attach(m_enUpdatedOP); m_orgContext.UpdateObject(m_enUpdatedOP); m_orgContext.SaveChanges(); m_orgContext.Detach(m_enUpdatedOP); } catch (Exception e) { m_tracingService.Trace("Exception: {0}", e.ToString()); throw (e.InnerException == null) ? new InvalidPluginExecutionException(e.Message) : new InvalidPluginExecutionException(e.InnerException.Message); } } private bool IsInitSuccess(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { bool bInitSuccess = true; m_context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext)); if (!(m_context.InputParameters.Contains("Target")) || !(m_context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity) || (m_context.PrimaryEntityName != Opportunity.EntityLogicalName) || (m_context.MessageName != "Update") || (m_context.Depth >= 2) ) { bInitSuccess = false; return bInitSuccess; } m_factory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory)); if (m_factory == null) { bInitSuccess = false; throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Failed to retrieve the organization service."); } m_tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService)); if (m_tracingService == null) { bInitSuccess = false; throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Failed to retrieve the tracing service."); } m_service = m_factory.CreateOrganizationService(m_context.UserId); m_orgContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(m_service); // Obtain the target entity from the input parmameters. m_enOp = ((Entity)m_context.InputParameters["Target"]).ToEntity<Opportunity>(); var query = from CN in m_orgContext.CreateQuery<Opportunity>() where CN.Id == m_enOp.Id select CN; if (query.ToList().Any() == false) { bInitSuccess = false; return bInitSuccess; } m_enUpdatedOP = query.FirstOrDefault(); m_tracingService.Trace("yes flag is saved before open close oppo form ,inputparam has no yes flag so get the saved yesflag and clean it at the end of this plugin"); if (m_enOp == null || m_enOp.StateCode == null || m_enUpdatedOP == null) { bInitSuccess = false; return bInitSuccess; } m_tracingService.Trace("test input parameter"); if (m_enOp.StateCode == null) { m_tracingService.Trace("m_enOp.StateCode is null"); } else { m_tracingService.Trace("m_enOp.StateCode {0}", m_enOp.StateCode); } if (m_enOp.ActualCloseDate == null) { m_tracingService.Trace("m_enOp.ActualCloseDate is null"); } else { m_tracingService.Trace("m_enOp.ActualCloseDate {0}", m_enOp.ActualCloseDate); } if (m_enUpdatedOP.ActualCloseDate == null) { m_tracingService.Trace("m_enOp.ActualCloseDate is null"); } else { m_tracingService.Trace("m_enOp.ActualCloseDate {0}", m_enUpdatedOP.ActualCloseDate); } return bInitSuccess; } private bool CheckExist() { bool bBCExistFlg = true; IQueryable<new_budgetcontrol> query; DateTime opClosedate = new DateTime(); if (m_enOp.StateCode == OpportunityState.Open) { opClosedate = m_enUpdatedOP.EstimatedCloseDate.Value; } else { opClosedate = m_enUpdatedOP.ActualCloseDate.Value; } //on the premise that the same fiscal year BC records are exist if (opClosedate.Month >= 4) { query = from CN in m_orgContext.CreateQuery<new_budgetcontrol>() where (CN.new_OpportunityName.Id == m_enUpdatedOP.Id && CN.new_FY != null && (int)CN.new_FY.Value == (int)opClosedate.Year ) select CN; } else { query = from CN in m_orgContext.CreateQuery<new_budgetcontrol>() where (CN.new_OpportunityName.Id == m_enUpdatedOP.Id && CN.new_FY != null && (int)CN.new_FY.Value == (int)opClosedate.Year - 1 ) select CN; } if (query.ToList().Any() == false) { bBCExistFlg = false; } else { bBCExistFlg = true; } return bBCExistFlg; } } }
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