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Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


I need a page in my portal where my user can check or uncheck every newsletter we have. I have created a subscription center and a marketing form for this. 

I have integrated the marketing form using the HTML and JS provided on my portal. The form appears well, but I cannot save it. It says "unknown error occurred".

By looking at the error message in my console, I can see that the contact id is unknown.

If I add my portal contact to the subscription list manually via the Marketing app, I see nothing change on the portal. That's why I suspect the prefill is not working and the marketing form actually has no idea what contact am I working with.

If I include a link to the whole subscription center, then this is the exact same problem. The form appears, I can see all our newsletters, but checking or unchecking any newsletters results in the error message "unknown error occurred".

What can I do to debug this?

  • MurphCooper Profile Picture
    MurphCooper 5 on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    Hi there, a couple of years later and we have the same requirement, I think. What I would like is for a B2B user (i.e. a guest in our AAD) to be able to authenticate to a power portal, then that authenticated identity is used for the subscription center. I don't want them to have to receive an email, and navigate to the subscription center from there, I want them to be able to manage their subscriptions based on their login. The subscription center functionality is _exactly_ what we need, apart from the whole only-accessible-from-link-in-email part. Any suggestions, meanwhile? Many thanks!

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    Hi Steven,

    You could submit your requirement to Ideas forum.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    Thank you Jonas for your extensive answer. For the moment, I guess it just cannot be done the way my requirements dictate. We'll have to look for some other kind of solution.

    Thank you for suggesting an answer, though!

  • Suggested answer
    Jonas Velling Profile Picture
    Jonas Velling 142 on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    I guess you could trigger a manual customer journey, based on those 2 fields.

    1. Add fields to the Profile page on the portal for "Quarterly newsletter" and "Monthly newsletter"
    2. Create 3 seperate segments where the conditions are YES in Quarterly newsletter and YES in Monthly newsletter and the last is YES in both
    3. Create Marketing Form Type = Subscription Center, where the scenarios are as above
      1. Subscription Center where Quarterly Newsletter default value is YES
      2. Subscription Center where Monthly Newsletter default value is YES
      3. Subscription Center where both Quarterly and Monthly newsletter default values are YES
    4. Create seperate Marketing E-mails that covers the above scenarios
    5. Create a Customer Journey with the Segment from step 2 as the first tile -> E-mail from step 4 is sent (alternatively you could create 3 seperate customer journeys, 1 for each scenario).

    Then the customer would be able to check Quarterly or Monthly newsletter on their Profile page -> Receive an e-mail containing a link to the Subscription Center -> Submit the Subscription Center form -> have their preferences updated.

    Keep in mind, that you would have to create a solution for when a customer chooses to unsubscribe from their profile page. 

    And also customers are only sent through a customer journey once (there should be an update coming for this soon) - so if they, over a timeframe where your customer journeys are still live, subscribes and unsubscribes, the above solution would not work (because they only receive the e-mail from step 4 once). Then you will need to have a recurring customer journey which makes everything a bit more complicated.

    There might be a simpler solution out there!


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    Hello. yes that is what I want, BUT I can't do this from the Subscription Center in this case, because I cannot link directly from my portal to the subscription center. So I'm looking for another way to offer my "Monthly newsletter", "Quarterly newsletter" checkboxes so I can display these on the profile as well.

  • Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    Please have a look at this article:

    do I understand correctly that you want a user to be able to select "Monthly newsletter" and/or "Quarterly newsletter" as in the example provided there?

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    Hi Steven,

    Would URL of profile page be something like:


    If so, unfortunately we couldn't achieve it.

    Subscription/newsletter management feature is standard feature provided by form-loader.js.(marketing form generator)

    In portal, we could only do simple CRUD operations.(e.g: show subscribed members of a marketing list.)

    However, due to relationship between contact <-> marketing list is N:N,

    to add/remove contact from marketing list/subscription list/newsletter,

    there are two operation required: Association request and Disassociation request, which could be only executed by back-end code.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    No, not on the subscription center page, but on their profile on the portal itself. A way to check what newsletters they want to receive.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    Hi Steven,

    As per my understanding, would you like to add a custom checkbox on subscription center page?

    When the checkbox is checked, then all other newsletter checkboxes are also checked?(uncheck then all unchecked)



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Subscription Center page on portal does not prefill information

    Hello. Thank you for your answers. I now understand that I had a wrong expectation of what the subscription center would do.

    I still have a requirement to give my portal user a way to subscribe to each newsletter from the portal. Is there a way to achieve this somehow? Even through a workaround you can think of?

    I imagine that multiple companies must have this requirement somehow?

    Thank you for any help and guidance you can provide.

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