I need a page in my portal where my user can check or uncheck every newsletter we have. I have created a subscription center and a marketing form for this.
I have integrated the marketing form using the HTML and JS provided on my portal. The form appears well, but I cannot save it. It says "unknown error occurred".
By looking at the error message in my console, I can see that the contact id is unknown.
If I add my portal contact to the subscription list manually via the Marketing app, I see nothing change on the portal. That's why I suspect the prefill is not working and the marketing form actually has no idea what contact am I working with.
If I include a link to the whole subscription center, then this is the exact same problem. The form appears, I can see all our newsletters, but checking or unchecking any newsletters results in the error message "unknown error occurred".
What can I do to debug this?
Hi there, a couple of years later and we have the same requirement, I think. What I would like is for a B2B user (i.e. a guest in our AAD) to be able to authenticate to a power portal, then that authenticated identity is used for the subscription center. I don't want them to have to receive an email, and navigate to the subscription center from there, I want them to be able to manage their subscriptions based on their login. The subscription center functionality is _exactly_ what we need, apart from the whole only-accessible-from-link-in-email part. Any suggestions, meanwhile? Many thanks!
Thank you Jonas for your extensive answer. For the moment, I guess it just cannot be done the way my requirements dictate. We'll have to look for some other kind of solution.
Thank you for suggesting an answer, though!
I guess you could trigger a manual customer journey, based on those 2 fields.
Then the customer would be able to check Quarterly or Monthly newsletter on their Profile page -> Receive an e-mail containing a link to the Subscription Center -> Submit the Subscription Center form -> have their preferences updated.
Keep in mind, that you would have to create a solution for when a customer chooses to unsubscribe from their profile page.
And also customers are only sent through a customer journey once (there should be an update coming for this soon) - so if they, over a timeframe where your customer journeys are still live, subscribes and unsubscribes, the above solution would not work (because they only receive the e-mail from step 4 once). Then you will need to have a recurring customer journey which makes everything a bit more complicated.
There might be a simpler solution out there!
Hello. yes that is what I want, BUT I can't do this from the Subscription Center in this case, because I cannot link directly from my portal to the subscription center. So I'm looking for another way to offer my "Monthly newsletter", "Quarterly newsletter" checkboxes so I can display these on the profile as well.
Please have a look at this article: lystavlenhistoric.home.blog/.../
do I understand correctly that you want a user to be able to select "Monthly newsletter" and/or "Quarterly newsletter" as in the example provided there?
Hi Steven,
Would URL of profile page be something like: xxx.powerappsportals.com/porfile?
If so, unfortunately we couldn't achieve it.
Subscription/newsletter management feature is standard feature provided by form-loader.js.(marketing form generator)
In portal, we could only do simple CRUD operations.(e.g: show subscribed members of a marketing list.)
However, due to relationship between contact <-> marketing list is N:N,
to add/remove contact from marketing list/subscription list/newsletter,
there are two operation required: Association request and Disassociation request, which could be only executed by back-end code.
No, not on the subscription center page, but on their profile on the portal itself. A way to check what newsletters they want to receive.
Hi Steven,
As per my understanding, would you like to add a custom checkbox on subscription center page?
When the checkbox is checked, then all other newsletter checkboxes are also checked?(uncheck then all unchecked)
Hello. Thank you for your answers. I now understand that I had a wrong expectation of what the subscription center would do.
I still have a requirement to give my portal user a way to subscribe to each newsletter from the portal. Is there a way to achieve this somehow? Even through a workaround you can think of?
I imagine that multiple companies must have this requirement somehow?
Thank you for any help and guidance you can provide.
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