RE: IM script to split a field witha delimiter
Hello Carlos, I missed this post from you a long time ago but here is my suggestion to use in your integration manager. The code below evaluates the field being passed from the source and reads characters and passes them to sBefore and sAfter variables, at the end you choose which variable to pass to the CurrentField, use the script and modify accordingly, if its not too late let us know if it works.
sFieldEvaluated = SourceFields("Datasource.Yourfield")
sBefore = ""
sAfter = ""
sFlag = False
Do While Len(sFieldEvaluated)>0
sCharacter = Left(sFieldEvaluated, 1)
If sCharacter <> "-" then
if sFlag = False then
sBefore = sBefore & sCharacter
end if
if sFlag = True then
sAfter = sAfter & sCharacter
end if
End if
if sCharacter = "-" then
sFlag = True
end if
sFieldEvaluated = Right(sFieldEvaluated, Len(sFieldEvaluated)-1)
CurrentField = sBefore
'or sAfter depending on the target field