I need a Macro or steps to create one that will upload Chart of Accounts from a csv file.
If the same can be done with Table Import then I will need instructions on how to import with this tool.
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I need a Macro or steps to create one that will upload Chart of Accounts from a csv file.
If the same can be done with Table Import then I will need instructions on how to import with this tool.
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You not be able to get any updates without a partner so you will be stuck in time like a mosquito in amber.
There is the Table Import tool in GP but you real need to know your stuff to get that right. Here is one useful tip.
If you successfully import your CoA into the GL00100 (Account Master) table you can delete the data in the GL00105 and GL40200 tables and run check links on the account master file and it will rebuild those two tables. If you are going to try this on your own I would do this in a test company first and make copious backups.
I see...
Are you currently under a valid support contract ? Given the fact that you don't have any partners, I'd guess not.. which is going to make your life much more miserable, because you don't have access to an essential web site for every GP client, namely "Customer Source", which is the place to go and download every tool or software updates for GP.
Still, you should be able to find somewhere on the net the Rapid Implementation Tool kit that was free, but has been discontinued after GP 2013.
We are using 2013 R2 that was purchased many years ago. I spoke to Microsoft and they told me the Free Trial of IM is only when GP is purchased.
We do not have any partners and my company has no plans to have one.
Agree with Richard...
this looks like approaching the challenge from the wrong side.. Why make things more complicated than it needs to be ?
Use Integration Manager (IM) and use a template to import your massive CoA.
You could even use Microsoft Rapid Implementation Templates in Excel to prepare your CoA and then just run that against your GP company.
PS: this is a public forum contributed mostly by volunteers, and you got some of the best experts in the field here, but it's definitely not a place to look for 'Urgent' assistance.. as those contribution are done usually during their free time.. For Urgent situation, you should call your Microsoft Partner.
You will need to break your account number into individual segments in order for the macro to run properly. Just use the numbers, no hyphen.
Kind regards,
The account category is a mandatory field. You are going to need to add that value to your macro. Is this a new installation? You get IM for free for six months. If you have all these values in a csv file it would be easier to use IM.
I don't really understand your question, you said in a previous post that you've broken the account number up into three columns but then you say, "The question I still have is about the Account number which is in one column; how do I handle it in the macro since the macro create 3 separate segments?".
You have managed to confuse me.
You need to break it up into 3 columns and map each column to the appropriate macro section. Getting your data into the correct "shape" is always a large part of the preparation work required for macro generation.
Try to enter these accounts and see if any windows pop open. Are you getting the "A new segment will be created" pop up box? If you are click the "Do not display this message again" box then click No and then retry your macro.
Thanks for making my point and glad you found an answer to your query.
Mariano, your response seems to be unprofessional and I do not need you to respond to my post in the future. If you were looking for a "please" from me when posting then I request you to "PLEASE" always ignore my posts.
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