I have been trying to get Server Side Sync setup for almost a week now and always running into same error when I run the "CertificateReconfiguration.ps1" script , I get the "Certificate Private Key is not found" error, yet I have verified the key exists, IFD is setup and working, ADFS is setup and working and CRM works fine. I am using a "Legacy Cert" (non-CNG), have ensured that the "NetworkService" account, which is the account that runs the Async process and also same account for the CRMAppPool has Read access to the private key. I can complete the setup and everything else passes, but then when I try and setup the Email profile in CRM, I get a "The certificate used for S2S authentication is not installed... "
I am using a public SSL by GoDaddy, and have re-keyd the cert and re-installed, also using teh DigiCert certificate tool to verify cert is working fine, all indications are that everytghing is fine, yet still getting this error
Any ideas? or help would be appreciated, or if I should be posting in a different group or somewhere else would help.
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