Dear Community,
Client is using On-Premises environment. The MPOS is not going offline even though all configurations are OK. The offline DB is installed with the POS and the installation was successful.
We have customizations on MPOS which is why we're using a custom installer for the MPOS. When trying to manually swicth from online to offline, the event viewer gives the following error.
The MPOS generates the following error
Event Log
ChannelRequestFactory Switching connection state to offline failed, Offline not available (83e4b078-35df-fbfb-cea2-d9c62f3537c0). Correlation Id: 'f321b65b-f6d2-c273-3c31-81601674e219'
Another thing I've noticed is that there is no Offline Sync Service in my services.msc
Any help shall be highly appreciated please.