Hello, I am a programmer trying to communicate with the Dynamics 365 Business Central ODATA API.
Perhaps my question relates to the ODATA protocol itself, but I don't understand how I can set a blank value for a field.
Let's say I have an Item that says 'Item Category Code'='DIV'.
On the website I can see it as https://prnt.sc/22l7aat.
In the ODATA API I can get it as https://prnt.sc/22l7nei.
I can also update the 'itemCategoryId' field with a different GUID using PATCH request and that will work.
But when I try to set 'itemCategoryId'='' (an empty string), I get an 'Invalid Request Body' error.
If I set 'itemCategoryId'='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' (the value which is displayed in API if I specify an empty value on the site) I get an error 'The Item Category does not exist. Identification fields and values: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}'.
If I specify 'itemCategoryId'='_x0020_' (a special empty string character), it gets the same error as above.
If I don't specify 'itemCategoryId', then this field won't be modified, because it's a PATCH, not a PUT request.
What should I specify to put an empty value in 'itemCategoryId'?
Kind regards!