In g/l entries, i would like to see value of bothe the local and the value in the
currency and exchangerath, when it was posted
where to find both, as only can find in local currency
In g/l entries, i would like to see value of bothe the local and the value in the
currency and exchangerath, when it was posted
where to find both, as only can find in local currency
Happy to share more of the coding solution if needed. Just message.
For other forum members could you approve the answer if this takes you forward. Thanks HNY too!
Thanks Josh, in will try this one
and Bilal, i got his, but its regarding the G/L
Happy New Year
In G/L entry table transactions are shown in local currency of system. But if the transaction have related Customer or Vendor Ledger entry then you can see the Amount in Currency other than local in Customer Ledger Entry Table or Vendor Ledger Entry table.
It requires a modification or you may find something on appsource.
One of the modifications involves the below event:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Gen. Jnl.-Post Line", 'OnAfterInitGLEntry', '', true, false)]
local procedure GLEntryOnAfterInitGLEntry(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var GLEntry: Record "G/L Entry")
Number of other events to cater for all scenarios involved.
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