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Session Id :
Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

We are having trouble with RMS store operations. The POS screen allows us to log on, but then disapears. Store operations shows that it is running in the task bar and in the task manager, but we cannot maximize it. We are running Windows 7.

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  • Jeff @ Check Point Software Profile Picture
    Jeff @ Check Point ... 13,382 on at
    RE: We are having trouble with RMS store operations. The POS screen allows us to log on, but then disapears. Store operations shows that it is running in the task bar and in the task manager, but we cannot maximize it. We are running Windows 7.

    One can always mark the Registry entries as "Read Only" and it will always come back to what you specified.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: We are having trouble with RMS store operations. The POS screen allows us to log on, but then disapears. Store operations shows that it is running in the task bar and in the task manager, but we cannot maximize it. We are running Windows 7.

    Many thanks. It works with ctrl + F6 then window, size and border for win 7.

  • Suggested answer
    Greg Gouveia Profile Picture
    Greg Gouveia 6 on at
    Re: We are having trouble with RMS store operations. The POS screen allows us to log on, but then disapears. Store operations shows that it is running in the task bar and in the task manager, but we cannot maximize it. We are running Windows 7.

    This is how we fixed the problem althought I suspect editing the registry would have done the same thing.

  • Verified answer
    Jeff @ Check Point Software Profile Picture
    Jeff @ Check Point ... 13,382 on at
    Re: We are having trouble with RMS store operations. The POS screen allows us to log on, but then disapears. Store operations shows that it is running in the task bar and in the task manager, but we cannot maximize it. We are running Windows 7.

    Press Ctrl + F6

    Transaction Screen tab

    Window button

    Change Left to 1, Top to 1, Width to 800, Height to 600 | OK | re-adjust screen size as needed

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: We are having trouble with RMS store operations. The POS screen allows us to log on, but then disapears. Store operations shows that it is running in the task bar and in the task manager, but we cannot maximize it. We are running Windows 7.

    Try fixing through the registry:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Retail Management System\Store Operations\POSUser\Display]

  • Greg Gouveia Profile Picture
    Greg Gouveia 6 on at
    Re: We are having trouble with RMS store operations. The POS screen allows us to log on, but then disapears. Store operations shows that it is running in the task bar and in the task manager, but we cannot maximize it. We are running Windows 7.

    Thank You for the response.  I beileve this will work in XP and Vista, but I cannot get the window to maximize in Windows 7.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: We are having trouble with RMS store operations. The POS screen allows us to log on, but then disapears. Store operations shows that it is running in the task bar and in the task manager, but we cannot maximize it. We are running Windows 7.

    This will happen if your computer locks up or reboots while the POS is minimized.  I think it has to do with the window position set off the viewable screen.  To recover, right click on the task bar entry and click maximize.  Position and size the window as desired, then close the POS to save.

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