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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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received not invoiced PO

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Posted on by 202
If user creates a PO for item abc of qty 10, unit cost 2, and post receipt. Then user posts a separate invoice to the gl account for the purchase and made payment.
In fact the purchase order has been paid for but it shows in system as only received but not invoiced. If user doesn't want to touch the invoice and payment, what does the user need to do to close the purchase order? Any thoughts are appreciated.
  • Suggested answer
    Tarik Jerkovic Profile Picture
    Tarik Jerkovic 109 on at
    received not invoiced PO
    Try this an idea if you have test env.
    If the user does not want to touch the invoice and payment, they can try adding an item charge with a negative value to the purchase order that has not been invoiced. This should allow the purchase order to be closed.
    Here's the procedure:
    1. Open the purchase order (PO) that has not been invoiced.
    2. Add an item charge with a negative value that matches the value of the purchase order.
    3. Post the transaction.
    This should achieve the desired result and close the purchase order.
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 26,328 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    received not invoiced PO
    No there are no other options. Regarding the closed period - the transactions should be in/out so it should not affect the overall amounts in the closed period.
  • Aspen Profile Picture
    Aspen 202 on at
    received not invoiced PO
    Hi Ben , thanks for the response. I'm aware of the 2 options. option 1 will impact inventory valuation so it won't be used. Option 2 is the standard approach, but the user doesn't favor this because there are many such transactions to be fixed, and this involves much manual work, and will affect their closed period financials.
    Is there other options to consider? thanks
  • Suggested answer
    Ben Baxter Profile Picture
    Ben Baxter 5,262 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    received not invoiced PO
    First option, allbeit a bad option is: Change the Unit Cost to $0 and post the $0 invoice.  Just be aware this will impact your Last Direct Cost and inventory valuation, since the Item will be costed at $0.00.
    The better answer: You should unapply the payment, credit out the G/L invoice, post the invoice via the PO or through an invoice using Get Receipt Lines to link to the PO, then apply the payment to the new invoice.  This keeps your Vendor balance in order, your Item's cost correct, and you'll learn the proper process for handling vendor invoices moving forward.  It is a little more work, but it is a win-win-win.
    Best Regards,
    Ben Baxter
    Accent Software Inc

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