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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Dynamics GP2015 "Field on window is inactive or disabled. (Line#29)" in Fixed Assets Macro Import

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Good evening,

I  getting an error on the Fixed Assets import macro when it gets to the currency field: “Field on window is inactive or disabled. (Line#20)” and stop on Acquisition Date field, please help.


  Mr. García

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  • mgarcia Profile Picture
    mgarcia 369 on at
    RE: Dynamics GP2015 "Field on window is inactive or disabled. (Line#29)" in Fixed Assets Macro Import

    Thanks for your help.

  • Verified answer
    L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Dynamics GP2015 "Field on window is inactive or disabled. (Line#29)" in Fixed Assets Macro Import

    You could also 'Step' through your macro (shift F8) at a pause. Put the following in your Dex.ini file to reveal the Advanced Macro Menu.


    Select the Status item on the menu and you will have access to many more macro tools.

    Here's what the window looks like and a short explanation of the features:


    1.  Shows you the name of the macro currently being recorded and what line it’s on.

    2.  Shows you the name of the macro currently being played, and what line it’s on.

    3.  Turns off the complete redraw and hides the interface flash thereby making the macro run twice (at least) as fast.

    4.  The line in the macro you want to jump to. The display below will start at the jump line. You can restart a macro to begin playing at the jump to line

    5. The number of lines to display in the scrolling window.

    6. Indicate where you want the macro to pause while it’s playing. This is a good way to debug the macro or stop it from executing after a certain point is reached

    7.  The actual lines of the macro according to the lines displayed

    Kind regards,


  • Tim Wappat Profile Picture
    Tim Wappat 5,703 on at
    RE: Dynamics GP2015 "Field on window is inactive or disabled. (Line#29)" in Fixed Assets Macro Import

    As the message describes, the macro is trying to interact with a field that is, at the time that line of the macro runs, inactive or disabled.

    This can be because a previous part of the macro did not behave as expected. Often fields are greyed out (disabled) until the correct data has been completed in other parts of the GP form. So if invalid data is entered, the field do not enable and thus when the macro moves to the next field it can't, raising such an error.

    I'd suggest trying to manually enter the same information into the form that the macro is trying to use at that point in the macro, to see if it is a validation error or other interplay between form elements. Follow the same route through the form that the macro describes as you test.

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