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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


From today, I am facing a critical issue when updating any lead in Microsoft Dynamics 365 as an Administrator Role.


Please help me in this matter. i don't know why An admin role is getting this access error.


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  • prt33k Profile Picture
    prt33k 6,907 on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    Hi Sandeep,

    The System Administrator role in Out of Box role in CRM. This role has org level privileges on all the entity. So it doenst matter if the user is in child BU or parent BU - as long as the user has system admin role, he will get the access.

    I think your Admin role is a custom role and not the OOB role.

    Can you share the screenshot of your Admin security role along lead access levels.



  • Andreas Cieslik Profile Picture
    Andreas Cieslik 9,267 on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    Does not sound correct to me. Something must be set up wrong in your system.

    Usually the user with the OOTB System Administrator role is able to modify records created from child BU members.

    You should be able to verify that on a fresh sandbox or trial instance.

  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead


    Thanks for all your responses.

    I have figured out, what was causing this issue.

    Actually, If an Admin is in Parent BU and Any other user in its child BU (Sales BU) created a lead. Dynamics will not allow the Admin to Update that record. This is strange behavior of dynamics.

    Parent should know what his children's are doing.

    Fix -

    Change all children's BU to Parent BU and Then Re-Assign them Salesperson Role.

    Note : You also need to make sure that there is no role given to both BUs.



  • Suggested answer
    Loic Orue Profile Picture
    Loic Orue 927 on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    I agree with Prateek

    You could try to open the system user with GUID 1910f75e-56ec-e611-812a-c4346bdcdf61 and check if that's your account or another account (which incidentally seems to be lacking the rights).

    You can achieve this easily with the plugin "Level up for Dynamics 365" ==> Open Record By ID ==> systemuser ==> 1910f75e-56ec-e611-812a-c4346bdcdf61

    If the user is not you, giving that account proper rights should do the trick. Then you need to check why that account is trying to read the record (plugin or workflow triggering).

  • Suggested answer
    prt33k Profile Picture
    prt33k 6,907 on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    Hi Sandeep,

    I believe when you say Admin role- you are referring to OOB System Administrator role.

    Please assign the record to yourself and then try to update. If that is happening then it will a security role issue.

    If not then probably you are having some plugin triggering under user account which is throwing error.


    Prateek Srivastava

  • Andreas Cieslik Profile Picture
    Andreas Cieslik 9,267 on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    Can you please show screenshot of their assigned role and the lead permissions on that roles?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    Its Read-Write Acces is saved for Admin.

  • Suggested answer
    Andreas Cieslik Profile Picture
    Andreas Cieslik 9,267 on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    Please check the user's Access mode in the user entity.

    You might have the wrong option set. For this action they need Read-Write mode.

    Access mode. This setting determines the level of access for each user.

       Read-Write access. By default, users have Read-Write access that allows them access to data for which they have appropriate permission set by security roles.

       Administrative access. Allows access to areas that the user has appropriate permission set by security roles but doesn’t allow the user to view or access business data typically found in the Sales, Service, and Marketing areas, such as accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities, campaigns, and cases. For example, Administrative access can be used to create Dynamics 365 administrators who can have access to perform a complete variety of administrative tasks, such as create business units, create users, set duplicate detection, but cannot view or access any business data. Notice that users who are assigned this access mode do not consume a CAL.

       Read access. Allows access to areas for which the user has appropriate access set by security role but the user with Read access can only view data and can’t create or change existing data. For example, a user with the system administrator security role who has read access can view business units, users, and teams but can’t create or modify those records.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    Hi Andreas,

    I have One Root Business Unit P and 1 Child Business Unit C.

    a normal User of C created a lead. Now, Admin Users in C and P both not able to Update that Lead.

  • Suggested answer
    Andreas Cieslik Profile Picture
    Andreas Cieslik 9,267 on at
    RE: Access Is Denied Error To Administrator When Updating A Lead

    Your user lacks the Read-right on the lead entity.

    Could it be that you have a modified administrator role that is related to a lower hierarchy business unit?

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