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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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Locked by User field gets empty when user exits work

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After pick work has been created we use /Change user/ to allocate pick work to individual users so that the workerID is shown in WHSWorkTable - Lockey by.
Menu item sales order picking is system directed.
After finishing a pick work the mobile device shows the summary screen of the next pick work.
If the worker now presses the cancel button the lockey by information is being deleted in the WorkTable.
Is there an option to change this behavior, so that picking can be ended at shift end or to do something else without loosing the user allocation in the pick work?
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Locked by User field gets empty when user exits work
    The Locked by User field indicates which user has locked a specific record for editing, preventing multiple users from making changes at the same time. When a user exits work, the User Lockout field is cleared as part of the system design. This is intended to release the locks held by that particular user on the record they are working on. Releasing the lock in this manner allows other users to access and modify the record. This reduces the risk of data inconsistencies and enables collaborative work within the system. If you want to change this behavior, you may need to work with the developer to customize it.
    Best Regards,


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