We are currently in the process of updating from gp 10 to 2010. We have an external system that uses eConnect to create new projects with the following code:
taPAProjects_ItemsTaPAProjects project = new taPAProjects_ItemsTaPAProjects();
project.CUSTNMBR = sCustomerNumber;
project.PACONTNUMBER = sContractNumber;
project.PAprojid = sProjectID;
project.PAprojname = sProjectName;
project.PAPROJNUMBER = sProjectNumber;
project.PAProjectTypeSpecified = true;
project.PAProjectType = (short)ProjType;
project.PAprojmngrid = sProjectManager;
project.PABusMgrID = sBusManager;
project.PAEstimatorID = sEstimator;
project.PApurordnum = sPONumber;
project.PADepartment = sDept;
project.PAprjclsid = sProjectClass;
project.PATRKCHGORDSSpecified = true;
project.PATRKCHGORDS = (short)TrackCO;
project.PAUD1Proj = sUserDef1;
project.PAUD2_Proj = sUserDef2;
project.PAAcctgMethodSpecified = true;
project.PAAcctgMethod = (short)PAAcctgMethod.WhenPerformed;
taPAProjects_ItemsTaPAProjects[] taPAProjects_Items = { project };
PAProjectsType paProjectType = new PAProjectsType();
paProjectType.taPAProjects_Items = taPAProjects_Items;
eConnectType eConnect = new eConnectType();
PAProjectsType[] paTransactionType = { paProjectType };
eConnect.PAProjectsType = paTransactionType;
bSuccess = GPIntegration.ExecuteEConnect(eConnect);
However, with the 2012 version of econnect we are now getting the following error:
Error Number = 9391 Stored Procedure= taPAProjects Error Description = The Contract is not in a Estimate Status (PASTAT<>4) Acceptable values for creating a new project is 4=Estimate
Changing the contract status is not required in the GP interface nor was it required in eConnect version 10. What is the best fix here? If there isn't a good fix, could we still use version 10 of econnect with GP2010?