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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Small Balance in Aged AR

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

We just recently went live with SL 2011 FP1.  We have a small balance in our Aged AR report for .10, which we do not know how to get rid of.  Looking at the record in Document Maintenance (08.250.00) screen, it shows a Doc Amt of .10, but the only line in the detail grid has an amount of zero.  Looking at the Invoice and Memo (08.010.00) screen, the Document toal shows .10 but the detail line shows zero.  This batch has already been posted.   When we try to use the Small Balance/Credit Write Off (08.450.00) screen, we get a "No Records Found" message when we click on the Find button.  What is the proper way to correct this?

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    As suggested by Rick_CSM, I updated the SB records in the 3 tables to CM and then we used the Small Balance/Small Credit Write-Off screen and wrote it off.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    Due to some other issues, I have not had a chance to try  RICK_CSM's possible solution. I am hoping to get to it this week (in our test site) and will report back results then.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    I am just now seeing this thread and we are currently having the exact same problem. I've checked the tran types and document numbers as per the SQL queries listed, we even ran an AR Integrity Check over the weekend, but this did not clear up the SB on the AR AGING report.

  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    First, run the following two select commands to make sure that you find only the single document you are intending to change.  Note that the ARDoc query should only find 1 record, the ARTran query only find 2 records and the ARAdjust only find 1 record




    If you only get 1 record and 2 records then perform the following:




  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    Rick_CSM, thanks again for your continuing help.  I have updated our controller with the information that you have provided and she thinks that we should reverse it. We do have a test database that we could try it in.  Would you please forward the update queries that you are suggesting.  Thanks.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    I have not encountered a situation similar to this.  I am thinking that reversing it is not going to do you much good because that will leave the SB document as an open document with no way to then apply it to anything since the payment application screen will not let you select a small balance write-off document.  If you do reverse it and cannot get to it to apply it we could change the document type to credit memo and then you could apply it to something.  Kind of cheating but it would work.  If you want to go that route and need the update queries to change the document type, let me know but, as an overview, you would need to change doctype in ardoc and trantype in artran for the reference number corresponding to the small balance write-off.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    No need to be sorry at all,  I appreciate your help!   I opened Application Inquiry/Reversal and did what you said and did find an invoice that the SB was applied to in the Payment/Memo Selection screen.  When I select it and click OK, I am returned to the Application Inquiry/Reversal screen  and in the Document section, the Pmt/Memo Amt field shows .10.  In the Detail Grid, it shows the invoice number, and the Amount Applied is 0.   Should I go ahead and reverse this?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    Sorry for all the back and forth on this but this sometimes happens when the description of the problem is presented more in a generic format than something very specific.  So, you are saying it is a "small balance".  By that, are you saying the document type is SB?  If so, you should never have an SB document with a balance like this unless, by the time the small balance write-off process posts, the invoice or debit memo that it was trying to write off no longer has the balance that it had when the small balance write-off was created in the first place.

    We need to work backwards from the invoice or debit memo that the small balance write-off document is trying to address.  If you can identify that invoice/debit memo, open the application inquiry/reversal screen and select the customer in question.  Next, click on the button to the right of the customer field and enter the invoice number of the invoice/debit memo in the Invoice Nbr field.  Leave the begin and ending period fields blank and click on the find payment/memo button.  In the grid section, look at what credits have been applied to this invoice/debit memo to see if there is credit document or documents that already address the original document amount of that invoice/debit memo.  We are looking to see if the condition I described above exists or not.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    This is not an invoice, it is a Small Balance.  It does not show up in the grid of the Payment Application screen.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Small Balance in Aged AR

    You may have misunderstood one of Elaine's questions.  Since this item is an invoice (correct?), you need to open the payment application screen an start to create a fake payment for this customer and see if this document shows down in the grid.  Invoices and debit memos are not available up in the document section (at least this sounds like where you tried to pull that document).

    Based on your other responses it sounds like this open document should be showing up.

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