I have 2 Segments one with new contacts and one with blocked emails (hard bounded email) contacts.
I want to create a customer journey in a such a way that when i send email it will ignore the contacts that are common in Segment 01 and Segment 02
Is this possible or someone has some other solution to overcome this
Problem Statement: I want to send emails to only those contacts which are not in segment 2 or previously email contact not failed.
- I manage to create Dynamic segment with hardbounded email contacts.
Thanks in advance
Hi Partner,
Members in dynamic segment will update constantly. (refresh rate is about a hour.)
If contacts no longer meet filters in segment, then they will be removed from the segment.
So it is based on how do you filter contacts, if you would like to remove contacts who blocked email from segment in the future, you could apply more filters to meet your business requirement.
In general, the result of a behavioral segment query is always a set of contacts who performed the relevant type of interaction according to the conditions established by the query.
However, if we just query contacts who only had 1 time hard bounce for email in the last 5 days in a specific journey, e.g: if it happened on 5/6, then when 5/12 arrives, contacts will be removed automatically from the segment.
Please take the article in doc as reference:
Hi Clofly,
Can you please suggest.
Thank you Very Much i managed to do that
Just one last question regarding this post:
As i have created dynamic segement for contats that blocked email in past in future if i update the contact detail which is in this segment will that contact automatically remove from this segment ?
If not can you please suggest better way to do that ?
Thank you
Hi Partner,
We just need to add Segment 02 in General tab, then add Segment 01 as start segment.
Hi Clofly Mao,
Thank you for your help
Just want to confirm one thing when i add Segment 02 as suppression segment, will i need to add that segment in segment til (image01.png)?
Thank You.
Hi Partner,
When you are creating a new customer journey, you could add segment 02 as suppression segment,
then all members/contacts in segment 02 will be excluded from the new customer journey.
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