I need to split my Text to Integer array. I want to store selected records Id in array.
My Code looks like this:
trigger OnAction() var SalesNoList: Array[10] of Integer; //is there any way to declare unlimited array size? Txt: text; begin Txt := GetSelectionFilter(); SalesNoList := //what here? end; procedure GetSelectionFilter(): Text var SalesTable: Record MySalesTable; SelectionFilterManagement: Codeunit SelectionFilterManagement; RecRef: RecordRef; begin CurrPage.SetSelectionFilter(SalesTable); RecRef.GetTable(SalesTable); exit(SelectionFilterManagement.GetSelectionFilter(RecRef, SalesTable.FieldNo("Sales No."))); end;
1. How to declare unlimited array size?
2. How to assign it to integer array with parse text to integer?
Best Regards!