Yesterday I was testing the RM Auto Apply tool that is offered from Microsoft for GP. The install is just dropping the RMApply.cnk in the GP folder. I did the usual process and the tool installed correctly. I then decided I didn't want to use it and pulled the info out of the dynamics.set file. All is fine at that point.
Today, I wanted to re-install it as I found that I may want to use it after all. I went through the process again (dropping the chunk) and got the "New Code" message and all seemed well. But when I go into GP, the tool is not there (Trx>Sales>Mass Apply Credit Docs). I looked at the .set file and there is no entry for it there either.
We're using GP10 on a terminal server. There are a few users logged in as were yesterday when I did the install. I'm logging in as SA and using a test company. I've followed all of the instructions regarding security settings, etc. with no luck.
I took the entries from another copy of the .set file where installed the tool on my local, personal install, and put them into the production .set (after making a copy). I got errors on that because it doesn't look like the .cnk created the dictionaries...
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
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