RE: How to kill old stores no longer being used
I actually have a test environment that is at RMS Version 2.0 with CU5 2.0.2000 (DB Ver 2.06) and I see that option in there as well as the option to delete the store.
I don't want to loose the history, so I did not delete it, but I did inactivate one store. Now I don't see that store in the worksheet list, and I don't see that store in the Store Quantity tab in HQ items anymore, and I don't see the on hand inventory when I run an item snapshot report.
Since I don't have the latest version of RMS in my production environment and I can't "inactivate" the stores; I zeroed out the HQ quantity using the 190 worksheet by exporting the list, editing it in Excel and importing it back. Then I found another forum entry that gave some code to zero out the snapshot quantity for an active store in the item dynamic table, so I ran that in my test environment and it worked to get rid of the on hands in the snapshot report.
I guess now I have to decide if we want to upgrade the production environment! We'd have a lot of testing to do since we are integrated with nChannel and Oracle, and have not tested the integrations yet in our test environment!