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How to create forms using schema/logical names instead of display name?

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We are creating a form that has 34 sections. Each section has varying number of fields that need to be placed in a certain order.  When creating the fields we needed, we named them as to easily know their position on the form.  The labels are in the end user format.

For example, say we have Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, etc.  In each section there are multiple fields, Question A, Question B, Question C, etc.

When creating the fileds we labeled tham based on what the user will see, "What is your favorite color?", "How many pets do you have?", but we named them according to their position to make it easier to keep track (when complete, there will be 100+ fields):  aa_Section1_Q11, aa_Section1_Q12, aa_Section1_Q13, etc.

When creating a new form, only the Display Name/Label is visible, defeating the purpose of our naming convention.  How can I create the forms using the names we used and not the display names?


  • Suggested answer
    Luke Thomas Profile Picture
    Luke Thomas on at
    RE: How to create forms using schema/logical names instead of display name?

    Unfortunately, there is no OOB way to show the schema names instead of display labels in the form editor. However, you should be able to view a field's schema by hovering your mouse over it.

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