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Update paginglimit in usersettings with javascript and refresh main grid

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Hi everybody,
i have a small problem with refreshing the main grid after javascript update paginglimit in usersettings entity. This is what i have done:
1) i created in ribbon a a dropdown with 5 command buttons. Each button has signed value, as you see on the picture.
2) I created and added javascript ressource. If use klick on one of 5 buttons, javascript will start. This code will get parameter from a button and pass it to JS as first parameter. Based on userId and this parameter a user settings will be updated.
function setROwsPerPage(rowsPerPage, selectedControl) {    console.log(/Start 6/);var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings;var currentuserid = userSettings.userId.replace(/{/, //).replace(/}/, //);var data = {/paginglimit/: rowsPerPage};// update the recordXrm.Utility.showProgressIndicator(/Benutzereinstellungen werden aktualisiert, bitte warten.../);Xrm.WebApi.updateRecord(/usersettings/, currentuserid, data).then(function success(result) {            console.log(/UserSettings updated/);              Xrm.Utility.closeProgressIndicator();            window.parent.location.reload(true);},function (error) {console.log(error.message);Xrm.Utility.closeProgressIndicator();});}
My problem is: this code work just ok but after the page is refreshed the number of rows per page has not changed. Changes are visible only, when i klick butto two times - First time it will update record and page, but the number of row on the screnn did not changen. After secord time the number on the screen did changen.
I tried with settimeout fo 5 and 10 seconds but it it not working. Is there any solution, how can i achive this? 
We do not wannt to go everytime into personal settings to change rows per page... it take too much time and we did it a couple of times per hour. 
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Update paginglimit in usersettings with javascript and refresh main grid
    I encountered the same issue as you when testing your code.
    When I try to manually refresh after removing this line of code.
    With hard refresh (ctrl+F5) you can change the number of rows per page at once. Whereas a normal refresh (F5) takes two times to change the number of rows per page.

    Therefore, it requires code that can implement a hard refresh to change the number of rows at a time.
    According to this documentation.
    Location: reload() method - Web APIs | MDN (
    Pass true to force a reload bypassing the cache. Defaults to false. Only supported in Firefox.
    For all other browsers this method of refreshing is equivalent to a F5 refresh.
    Unfortunately, I didn't find code that would implement a hard refresh.
    Here are some links about hard refresh using JS.

    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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