I am trying to do solution export with powerapps CLI (docs.microsoft.com/.../powerapps-cli
First I auth
PS C:\Users\andnov> pac auth create --url https://****dev.crm4.dynamics.com
then I try to do export
PS C:\Users\andnov> pac solution export --path C:\Users\andnov\Downloads\ -- name Customizations2020Q4 --managed true --targetversion --include general
And get error:
Microsoft PowerApps CLI
Version: 1.5.2+gb529147
Error: Not a valid command. Try running 'pac [command] help'.
Parse failed on: Customizations2020Q4
Current command: export
Is this a known command? No, was it misspelled?
Is this a known argument? No, was it misspelled?
Was it quote wrapped? No, be sure to wrap values that contain spaces.
What I am doing wrong?