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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Great Plains and Credit Card Statements

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I am a brand new member here and our company is getting ready to go live on April 28 (we are excited, but scared as well :)) We have been piloting for a few weeks, but due to the nature of our business have run into a few problems.

When we submit Purchase Orders to some of our vendors with whom we do not have an account (are not on payment terms) we instruct them to charge one of our credit cards.

Is there an easy way to consolidate the credit card statement/daily activity with our Purchasing activity into GP, rather than having our buyers e-mail the A/P that such and such PO was charged on  the c/c for each transaction (I am hoping I was clear enough, we have GP version 10.0)

 Thank you,


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  • cpaintraining Profile Picture
    cpaintraining 75 on at
    Re: Great Plains and Credit Card Statements

    Thank you so much for suggestion, Ron.

     We are trying it this afternoon and I willlet you knwo how it works.


  • Ron Draganowski Profile Picture
    Ron Draganowski 1,575 on at
    Re: Great Plains and Credit Card Statements

    Oh, and I forgot the best part.  Once the Shipment/Invoice is posted, the PO's status will no longer be "Released", so it will disappear from your Smartlist.  So, the Smartlist is really a "To Do" list. Now that's Smart!

  • Ron Draganowski Profile Picture
    Ron Draganowski 1,575 on at
    Re: Great Plains and Credit Card Statements

    GP's POP module isn't really built for this sort of Purchase and pay with Credit Card scenario.  However, with a little creativity it's not a hard one to tackle.

    What I would suggest is this.  Create a Payment Terms ID for each Credit Card used.  Be sure to use a common prefix (like "CC_")  Then, when a user is entering a purchase order, have them select the appropriate Credit Card/Pay Terms ID in the Purchasing Vendor Detail Entry window (click on the expansion button arrow to the right of the Vendor ID in the Purchase Order Entry window). 

    Having selected a credit card attribute, you can then create a smartlist for use by your A/P department.  This Smartlist will show only Released POs where the Payment Terms ID begins with "CC_".  A/P will know they need to do the following for each of these:

    1. Enter a Shipment/Invoice transaction in the Receivings Transaction Entry window
    2. Enter a manual payment against the purchasing invoice using the Payables Manual Payment Entry window.

    All done!

    Good luck.

    Ron Draganowski
    Senior Solution Developer
    Olsen Thielen Technologies, Inc.


    Find me on LinkedIn:


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