I have searched various places and have not found a good answer.
Can Dynamics RMS handle Consignment items from a selling, PO, and inventory stand point?
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I have searched various places and have not found a good answer.
Can Dynamics RMS handle Consignment items from a selling, PO, and inventory stand point?
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Hello Michael Evans,
I have a question for you. We have been trying to figure out how to do consignment also (we are the seller). We have set up the warehouses for the customers, but we couldn't figure out how to actually ship the goods to the customer. We had been told to use a transfer JOURNAL, but we could not get labels and paperwork that way. If we use a transfer ORDER, how is that different?
Thank you,
Hi Adam,
In short the 2 scenario we cover are Inventory transfer and Sales orders.
Sending inventory to the customer.
This was a customization to start with.
First we created a new warehouse for a customer. We use transfer orders to fill it. The customer goes through the Enterprise portal to receive the inventory shipped on the transfer Order.
Email are also generated when Transfer Order is shipped (PDF of the packing slip)
When Email is received with a list of the items received
Creating the sales order
Once received, the customer can purchase the items (Another Tab on the EP portal) When they selected the items and select submit, it generates a Sales on in AX for that customer with the selected items. It generates a packing slip (PDF) and emails it to the DL supplied by the customer.
The customization includes relationship between the warehouses and the customers so what each customer only see what in their specific warehouse. It also possible extensible to have a single customer have access to multiple warehouses and there is logic in the system to insure that once a customer as been associated to the Warehouse, another customers cannot select that warehouse as an option without first disassociating it to the previous customer.
We've also extend this so that if a customer has a requisitions (IE they want 1000 items in total but not all sent at once, that the system tie the sales order to the customer requisition (Oldest to newest) consider factors like min and max ship quantities as well as Quantity in the current warehouse, items in-Transit, items purchased so that over shipments cannot occur.
We also have alerts that are sent out when quantities fall below defined minimums to inform shipping that a shipments needs to occur.
We've had about 5 development cycles on this to get it where it is so it's solid. Were also using the Hi-Tech module which makes the sales order a bit more complex to generate yet it all works.
Hey Mike,
I would be interested in learning more about how you handle consignment. Can you send me some info as well?
Good Afternoon Mike,
I would be interested in any information you have on consignment stores. I have a potential client who owns consignment stores. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
Tonie R Fuhr
I have a pretty detailed process I created for a 16,000'sq consignment store with 4 POS Lanes. I had done a lot of consigments in 25 years in the Sporting Goods Retail. I documented the process to use RMS right out of the box to handle it more easily, and then there were a couple of inexpensive add-ons that greatly helped the process of marking down the items which they did every 30 days.
I work with Retail Realm extensively; their app is really more for something like an Antique Mall where each vendor will track their own items and they just need to be rung up at the POS (it's called the Concession module, and hadn't noticed it was bundled into the Utilities yet; last time I looked it up it was a separate add-on).
This store had all their own mdse and New, Donated and Consignment items so they needed full inventory control on all.
I can e-mail you the info if you like.
Mike Haugen
RetailTechnology Experts
We have developed an interface using AX EP and Transfer Orders for consignment purposes. It’s quite slick. When A transfer order is created, it posted the items onto the portal. Once received the customer then simply check the boxes when it’s received and it updates the transfer order and placed the item into the consignment warehouse. (Bar code scanning to be added later) The customer also has a 2nd tab in which they can consume the inventory and in doing so, it creates a sales order. It’s tied to the customer RQ within the system and has rules to prevent them from selecting more items then are the customer RQ.
There are many way you can handle this, such as create consignment department and then group these items, for GL interface you can do this
Inventory Account : Suspend Account of Consignment
PO Receiving : Suspend Account Supplier both Debit and Credit will be Same
Sales : Sales of Consignment
Inventory : Here it will be your liability account because
COGS : Cog Account for Consignment.
RMS can do some of the basics with consignment, but really you are not going to get a good experience out of the box. Retail Realms has a Consignment feature in its Store Utilities which may be able to help out.
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