Hi All,
I'm having some problems (again) getting my code to work.
On my purchase invoice page, i have a column "code" which is the Code field from the Dimension Vale table.
I need that to auto populate a a table extension i created called Desc2. This is extension extends the Purchase Line table
I can select it manually, but i need it to auto populate.
Here's my code, can someone help show me where i went wrong?
AS always , thanks for your help.
tableextension 50134 "Desc 2" extends "Purchase Line" { fields { field(50134; "Desc 2"; text[50]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; Caption = 'Desc 2'; TableRelation = "Dimension Value".Name where("Code" = field("Shortcut Dimension 1 Code")); ValidateTableRelation = false; } } local procedure OnValidate(var "Code": Record "Dimension Value") var "Desc 2": Record "Purchase Line"; begin if "Code".get(Rec."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code") then begin "Desc 2" := "Desc 2" end; end; } pageextension 50134 "Desc 2 " extends "Purch. Invoice Subform" { layout { addafter("Description 2") { field("Desc 2"; Rec."Desc 2") { Caption = 'Desc 2'; ApplicationArea = all; } } } }