Good Afternoon.
Has anyone ever observed this issue relating to Analytical Accounting and Purchase Order Processing?
1) Open a PO with 2 units of a generic item each costing 10$ for a total of $20
1.1) The Analytical Accounting distribution of this cost is put in a P/L GL account and split 50% - 50% between 2 Analytical Accounting codes ($10 in code 200 and $10 in code 210).
2) Receive the units. Costs stay unchanged. Accruals gets correctly recorded.
3) Through the Enter/Invoices Match Screen, record the invoice related to this PO. Howeever, the cost is now $11 per units. So there is an extra $2 to allocate.
The problem is the extra $2 is allocated as follow:
1) $11 in code 200 (for a total of $21 in code 200)
2) -$9 in code 210 (for a total of $1 in code 210)
Logically, the extra $2 should be allocated 50%-50% as the original PO? No?
As anyone run into this before and can it be fixed?
Thanks for any comment or observation!
M Poulin
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