RE: change Related records filtering
Hi Inogic,
Thanks for the links above. below is what I like to achieve.
Have a optionset and a lookup filed on Entity called "new_main"
optionset has 3 different value ( 1,2,3) filed name "new_option"
lookup called "new_lookup" relationship with Entity name "new_info"
"new_info" Entity has two fields,
Primary filed which is text and a optionset
there are 150 records save on the "new_info" Entity
back on the first Entity call "new_main Entity
if optionset "new_option" value 1 is select
like to only show record 1 to 50 on Lookup filed.
if optionset value 2 is select
like to only show record 51 to 100 on the Lookup type
if optionset value 3 is selected
like to only show record 101 to 150 on the lookup type.
Many thanks,