Does anyone know if it is possible to create a workflow which automatically posts invoices at set intervals throughout the day?
If yes, are you able to provide any details of how to set up?
Does anyone know if it is possible to create a workflow which automatically posts invoices at set intervals throughout the day?
If yes, are you able to provide any details of how to set up?
Thank Valentin for your help.
Just another follow up question - should we need to also make any chances in the Sales & Receivables setup screen Post with Job queue?
Also this is the setup I have currently done on Job Queue Entry - do I need to make any changes to the Parameter string?
You can setup a Job Queue Entry using one of the out of the box batch post reports.
1. Navigate to the Job Queue Entries Page
2. Create a new job queue, click on the Object ID field
3. Search for batch post and select a report
4. Select any other filters as needed in the Job Queue Card and select the Report Request Page to filter on the specific invoices you would like to post
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