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the tax in vendor invoice journal

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Hello Dears,

in the vendor invoice journal page, do we have any setup to update the item sales tax group with the same value of the sales tax group as attached?

sometime the users forgot to add the item sales tax group, I know that we can setup the sales tax group in the vendor card, but the users always forget to add the item sales tax group to the lines of journal. So, the tax doesn't affect with tax normally. 

i need a setup to add the item sales tax group to the journal once the sales tax group is there. 

thanks for continuously support.



  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 16,455 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    You need to setup for expense Gl account not for vendor.

    No need to setup the sales tax code or tax direction if you do not need to validate the direction.

  • Karim Elshafie Profile Picture
    Karim Elshafie 137 on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal


    i completed the setup for the account of vendor (local vendors) as attached, but it still doesn't work.

  • Suggested answer
    SouravDam Profile Picture
    SouravDam 11,723 on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    Hi Karim Elshafie,

    It will work in vendor invoice journal. Just refresh your screen after the setup and create new journal. Once you select the offset main account, item sales tax group will be defaulted in the line from this setup.

    No need to select other information in this section such as sales tax direction, validate sales tax (this is not related to item sales tax group) and sales tax code unless this is specifically required.

    As I mentioned already, one drawback of doing such setup in main account level is.. it will be always defaulted in journal with the same item sales tax group whenever you select the same main account in journal line. In case if you have multiple such tax groups available which user wants to use, then they need to manually update the different item tax group in journal line again after selecting the same offset main account.

    Alternatively, you can also ask the developer to make this item sales tax group field mandatory in vendor invoice journal form through code update.


  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 16,455 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    It does if you are not setting up ad an offset account but a ledger accounts

  • Karim Elshafie Profile Picture
    Karim Elshafie 137 on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    thanks Sourav 

    i did this setup but it doesn't apply on Vendor invoice.

  • Karim Elshafie Profile Picture
    Karim Elshafie 137 on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    thanks Billur,

    i have completed the suggested solution but it's doesn't work in the vendor invoice joural,

    doesn't it applicable with AP, AR, and GL


  • Suggested answer
    SouravDam Profile Picture
    SouravDam 11,723 on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    Hi Karim Elshafie,

    This is what Billur is referring to.


    One drawback of setting this in main account level is.. it will be always defaulted in journal with the same item sales tax group whenever you select the same main account in journal line. In case if you have multiple such tax groups which user wants to use, then you need to manually update it in journal line again after selecting the same offset main account.

    Alternatively, you can also ask the developer to make this item sales tax group field mandatory in vendor invoice journal form through code update.


  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 16,455 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    It is under legal entity over rides.

  • Karim Elshafie Profile Picture
    Karim Elshafie 137 on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    thanks billur for you reply,

    but i didn't find the item vat code in the gl account card

  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 16,455 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: the tax in vendor invoice journal

    You may setup the item vat codes on the GL accounts. So this may default on the lines.

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