RE: Copy template for SOP Invoice into SOP History Invoice
I got this to work by doing the following:-
1. Modified the GP SOP Blank Invoice History Form & created an xml file output for this report.
2. Copied & re-named one of the Word Template forms linked to the SOP Blank Invoice Form report & deleted any report fields (other than text) and the xml data source.
3. Added a new xml data source using the xml output created from the GP SOP Blank Invoice History Form, then added the report fields back to the Template report.
4. Assigned the new template report to the GP SOP Blank Invoice History Form (Modified) in Template Maintenance.
When i print the template history invoice form i noticed that the file name is still 'SOP Blank Invoice Report' & not 'SOP Blank Invoice History Report' as i would have expected, other than this the content is ok & the report e-mails ok as well.