I am using the following to create a new email in Dynamics 365:
export const createEmail = ( subject: string, description: string, trackingToken: string | undefined, caseId: string, emailId: string, partyData: any[], ): JQuery.jqXHR => $.ajax({ url: `${apiBaseUrl}/emails?$select=activityid,_ownerid_value,createdon,subject,statuscode,directioncode,sender,attachmentcount, trackingtoken`, type: 'POST', global: true, headers: { 'Prefer': 'return=representation' }, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ subject, description, trackingtoken: trackingToken, 'regardingobjectid_incident@odata.bind': `/incidents(${caseId})`, 'parentactivityid@odata.bind': `/emails(${emailId})`, email_activity_parties: partyData, }), });
The new email is meant to be a reply to customer's incoming email. In the description parameter I'm passing the user's signature, because I need to add a separator between our response and the original email thread. However, the resulting email in Dynamics 365 has the signature I provided in the description, and another automatically-added signature. Is there a way to prevent Dynamics 365 from adding signatures to emails?