Correct, if you have just Require Shipments turned on, you can create an Inventory Shipment (which updates the Sales Order upon completion).
If you have both Require Shipments and Require Picks, the process requires you create a Warehouse Shipment first, then you create a Warehouse Pick to update the Warehouse Shipment, then the Posting of the Warehouse Shipment is what updates the Sales Order.
The purpose of these steps is for segregation of duties. If the same person is processing multiple steps you will want to limit how much of the Warehousing features you turn on as they create extra data administration.
Inventory Shipments and Warehouse Shipments are different ways to handle the same process. If you have a single Location, you will need to pick which (if any) that you want to use. If the Sales Order is pulling from Multiple Locations, Business Central will create the required shipment document for each of the lines based on their Location.
It is possible to have an Order that ships from the Sales Line, one line that requires an Inventory Shipment, and another that requires a Warehouse Shipment. You shouldn't hit any issue with this, as long as Users understand their document requirements for their Location.
Best Regards,
Ben Baxter
Accent Software Inc
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