This weekend I upgraded our environment from SL 6.0 to SL 7.0 (SP3).
Overall the upgrade smooth with one big exception.
On our client computer we are running Windows 7 64 bit (which is supported in FP1 and above, according to the documentation). There were several issues in getting the client up and running (we had to mannually register capicom.dll located in the SysWOW64 folder).
Now the client appears to be up an running OK execpt for any screen that we hve VBA customizations on. The first time the user launches the screen everything works fine. The customizations are in place and work as expected.
When the user closes the screen, then later opens the same screen errors begin to occur:
When this screen is closed the "normal", non-customized version of the screen is loaded.
When the users closes Dynamics SL completely, then reopens SL, a different error is dispalyed when they try to open the same screen as before:
The screen will never load at this point and the only solution is to reimport the customizations. At this point everything repeats: First load is good, second load has compiler error, and third time error loading VBA project is displayed.
Has anyone seen this type of behaviour before? This has caused us to roll back our upgrade from version 6 to 7 that occured over the weekend and right now we are at a standstill trying to figure this out.
This problem does not occur on a client that is running Windows 7 32-bit. It only appears to occur on the 64-bit platform.
Obviously it is not my first choise, nor recomendation, that we downgrade to Win 7 32-bit, so I am hoping for a different solution.
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