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Currency Field Not Able To Be Set From Javascript.

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I am experiencing a strange issue when attempting to create a new entity record using JavaScript. The record gets created ok but one field with the schema name "manualdiscount" never gets set. This field is a currency field. The other currency fields such as costpriceperunit are set ok. Any one know what is happening here?

Below is  the object posted via the Javascript HTTP call. 

{ContractLineItem@odata.bind: "/products(5b36971f-0219-eb11-a813-000d3a7eef9e)",
quantity: 1,
revenuetype: 100000001,
division: 100000000,
costpriceperunit: 500,
manualdiscount: 10}

  • jonfarmer4999 Profile Picture
    jonfarmer4999 125 on at
    RE: Currency Field Not Able To Be Set From Javascript.


    Thank you for your reply.

    Currency Precision is set to 2 throughout the system.

    The custom field is currency with Precision set to "Currency Precision" The Max and Min values allow for the value I am setting but I have noted that the Max and Min values are set to 4 decimal places. Could this be the issue?

    There is no error message and the part of the code that indicates the entity record was created is running. Looking at the system the entity record has been created minus the custom field value



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Currency Field Not Able To Be Set From Javascript.

    Hi, Jonfarmer4999

    I have tried to reproduce the issue but the values of Currency fields can be set normally.


    As your Entity and Field are custom, please provide me with the details of the field properties if possible.

    There are two main points that need to be focused on:

    1. The Precision of the two fields.


    If the Precision is set as ‘Pricing Decimal Precision’, it allows you to enable and set decimal precision for all supported price-related fields in the system.

    Pricing decimal precision can be defined in the Settings > Administration > System Settings > General tab.


    If the Precision is set as ‘Currency Precision’, allows you to enable and set decimal precision to individual currencies. To define this setting, go to Settings > Business Management > Currencies.


    2. The Minimum / Maximum Value of the field. Please check if the value you entered is outside this range.


    You can also add a console message into the JavaScript like:


    And if there is any error message, provide it to me please.

    Hope this will help you.



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